American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Respond to 2010 Committee Charge Survey by May 18

To help ACCP determine the important issues it will address next year, please respond to the College’s annual survey at by midnight (Central Time), Monday, May 18. The process of developing the College’s 2010 committee and task force charges starts with individual ACCP members. The Board of Regents and staff will use their ideas, combined with input from other sources, to begin developing next year’s committee and task force charges. Even if one has several suggested areas for ACCP to pursue, the survey will require only a few minutes to complete.

Once next year’s charges have been developed, follow-up e-mails will be sent to all members in late June and early July to determine their willingness to serve on a 2010 committee or task force. Responding to that follow-up e-mail will constitute the official communication to ACCP that members wish to serve on a 2010 committee or task force. At that point, even if they have no time to be on a committee this year, the College hopes that members will share their ideas regarding important issues to address or projects that should be undertaken by visiting the link above and providing suggestions.