American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Updates in Therapeutics® 2019 Will Offer Something for Everyone

ACCP’s spring conference, Updates in Therapeutics®, will be held April 27–28, 2019, in St. Louis, Missouri, at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. Be sure to mark this not-to-be-missed event on your calendar and begin making plans now to attend. The conference will feature a variety of programs for continuing education and professional development.

Board Certification Prep Courses

Updates in Therapeutics® 2019 will offer board certification preparatory review courses in two specialties: Pharmacotherapy and Critical Care Pharmacy. These programs are ideal for pharmacy professionals who are preparing for the Pharmacotherapy or Critical Care Pharmacy specialty certification examination administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS). Developed by board-certified pharmacotherapy and critical care pharmacists, each course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the specialty examination. Both courses use a case-based approach with strong emphasis on the reasoning required to solve patient care problems in each therapeutic area. The courses are also BPS approved for recertification credit.

ACCP’s board certification prep courses have a reputation for excellence. One 2018 participant described these courses as the “best educational meeting, content, and lectures within U.S. pharmacy associations!” Whether you are studying for an upcoming exam or working toward recertification, these courses offer an excellent opportunity to learn from experts in the field and optimize the time spent away from your practice with sessions focused on the most important information you need to succeed.

Professional Development Opportunities

ACCP is excited to offer the Patient-Centered Team-Based Practice Forum at Updates in Therapeutics® again this year, for the second time. This 2-day series of practice advancement programming focuses on implementing comprehensive medication management (CMM) in team-based practice settings. The 2019 program will combine plenaries and workshops targeting practical and applied strategies and tactics. This is a one-of-a-kind learning opportunity for clinical pharmacists and trainees currently providing direct patient care in both primary care and specialty outpatient settings who wish to establish and/or enhance their services by implementing CMM. For last year’s participants, the forum was an invaluable experience:

It was all really great. I am working on implementing a CMM program at my hospital. This was the most timely and useful conference that I have ever attended. The group discussions were great and the speakers were excellent. I learned so much and left feeling energized and prepared for the tasks ahead.

Be among the first to benefit from research-tested learnings from ACCP’s “CMM Effectiveness and Implementation” grant in this evidence-based, hands-on approach to preparing attendees to return to their practices with tools and implementable plans that will advance their clinical services.

ACCP Academy Sessions

ACCP Academy programming will also be offered at Updates in Therapeutics® 2019. The ACCP Academy offers a flexible, curricular approach to enhancing your skills and experience through three professional development programs focused in leadership and management, research and scholarship, and teaching and learning. Each curriculum includes both required and elective programming delivered at ACCP’s live meetings. Sessions are interactive and provide participants with actionable concepts and skills they can immediately apply to their own professional pursuits.

Student Programming

Student attendees can benefit from attending ACCP’s popular workshop, Emerge from the Crowd: How to Become a Standout Pharmacy Residency Candidate. Past participants rave about the value of this program, which includes information about navigating the residency application process, how to write a letter of intent and curriculum vitae, and tips for sharpening your interviewing skills. “I didn’t even know what I needed to know until I attended this,” said one participant. Another added, “I have learned SO much and realize I have a lot to work on, but I am glad I have a guide, some sort of framework on how to get started.”

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn from experts in the field of clinical pharmacy about the steps you can take now to rise above the competition when applying for a residency. This 1-day workshop will be offered twice during Updates in Therapeutics® 2019. Choose to attend either April 27 or April 28.

Scientific Poster Presentations

ACCP is currently soliciting abstract submissions for Updates in Therapeutics® 2019. Abstracts will be accepted in three categories: Original Research (including Encore presentations), Clinical Pharmacy Forum, and Research-in-Progress. All accepted abstracts will be published full-text in the ACCP Meeting App. In addition, Original Research and Clinical Pharmacy Forum abstracts will be published full-text in JACCP, an official journal of ACCP. Title, authors, and original citation will be published for Encore presentations. Posters from all categories will be distributed across the poster display session(s)/day(s).

Now is the time to begin preparing your research for submission. The abstract submission deadline for Original Research and Clinical Pharmacy Forum abstracts is January 21, 2019; the deadline for Research-in-Progress abstracts is February 27, 2019. To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria, or to submit an abstract, visit the ACCP Website.

Registration for Updates in Therapeutics® 2019 will open later this year at