American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Successful Conclusion of the 2022 ACCP International CMM Certificate Program

Completed by 55 international pharmacists representing 30 countries across the world, the 2022 ACCP Medication Optimization Through the Provision of Comprehensive Medication Management Certificate Program concluded on November 14, 2022. This unique program aims to further ACCP’s mission to improve human health by extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy through the preparation of international pharmacists to advance clinical pharmacy practice in their region.

The 10-week virtual certificate program is designed and delivered by subject matter experts. Faculty for the 2022 program included:

  • Mary T. Roth McClurg, Pharm.D., MHS, FCCP
  • M. Shawn McFarland, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, BC-ADM
  • Christine A. Schumacher, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, BCCP, BC-ADM, CDCES
  • Todd D. Sorensen, Pharm.D., FCCP, FAPhA
  • Bradly Winter, Pharm.D., BCACP

The 2022 curriculum included five modules:

  • Module 1. Medication Optimization and Comprehensive Medication Management: A Primer
  • Module 2. The Patient Care Process for Delivering Comprehensive Medication Management
  • Module 3. Comprehensive Medication Management: Implementation
  • Module 4. Comprehensive Medication Management: Evaluation
  • Module 5. Practice-Based Considerations and Challenges: Putting It All Together

Each module included completion of prereading, a practice-based activity, an objective assessment, and participation in a live session. The program concluded with a summative assessment.

This year’s cohort was very engaged in the live sessions. Participants stated:

I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the presentations and the perspectives of the expert panelists – it was really great to see there is a blazed trail ahead for CMM in Primary Care.

Thank you for all the experience and insight sharing. It is great to learn from successful stories of CMM in different settings!

The material and discussion presented can be used to make changes in implementing CMM. Everything has been delivered so well. Thank you so much.

Learn more about the program here. It will be offered again in 2023, with registration opening in late spring/early summer.