American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

MEDAP Study: Three Reasons You Should Consider Enrolling Today

The ACCP PBRN recently launched the Medication Error Detection, Amelioration, and Prevention (MEDAP) Study. The purpose of the MEDAP Study is to gather information regarding the interventions clinical pharmacists across the country are making pertaining to medication error detection, amelioration, and prevention. The ACCP PBRN pharmacist is the study subject. All ACCP PBRN members who provide direct patient care or have access to patients for research purposes are welcome to participate. More than 600 of your ACCP colleagues have joined the ACCP PBRN. By contrast, only a handful are participating in the MEDAP Study.

Why should you join the MEDAP Study? Here are three good reasons.

  1. MEDAP is OUR study, funded by OUR money, investigating the VALUE of what we do. Research documenting the value of clinical pharmacy cognitive services is the number one funding priority identified through the ACCP member survey. The MEDAP Study can robustly address this critical issue.
  2. We have the opportunity to document the largest number of clinical pharmacist interventions related to medication errors ever assembled. This study can become a landmark publication for clinical pharmacy.
  3. Finally, we must establish a track record of success for future extramural funding opportunities and demonstrate to leadership that our members are indeed supportive of the ACCP PBRN.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to clinical pharmacy research in a meaningful way! Contact us at [email protected].