American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

New This Month in the ACCP Bookstore

We have added five new titles this month to the ACCP Bookstore—two in Therapeutics, two in Research and Outcomes Assessment, and one in Teaching and Learning. Visit the bookstore to learn more about them.

Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Much as diseases affect women and men differently, drugs cause differing effects in the male versus female population. Here, then, is a comprehensive pharmacotherapy reference that focuses on women and women’s health. Women’s Health a primary reference developed to help educate pharmacy students, practicing pharmacists, and other health care professionals in an area of growing interest and importance. This focused reference book, edited by nationally recognized educators and researchers, contains contributions from more than 150 clinical experts in pharmacy, medicine, and nursing.

Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy: An Evidence-Based Approach gives practitioners the information they need to improve outcomes and personalize care for elderly patients. By 2050, the world’s population of individuals 65 years and older will double, while the 85 years and older population mushrooms 5-fold. As the number of older adults surges, so too will the number of medication management challenges faced by pharmacists and other health care providers.

Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice helps you incorporate key evidence-based medicine protocols into your daily clinical practice. This detailed yet highly readable reference demystifies the statistical, analytical, and clinical principles of evidence-based medicine, giving you a hands-on, practical resource.

Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice is the “essential” companion to the landmark Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature. This streamlined reference distills the most clinically relevant coverage from its parent Users’ Guides manual into one finely focused, portable resource. Praised for its clear explanations of detailed statistical and mathematical principles, the Essentials concisely covers all the basic concepts of evidence-based medicine—everything needed to deliver optimal patient care.

Buy both the Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature manual and the Essentials and save 10% on the two-volume package.

Pharmacy Education: What Matters in Learning and Teaching is an essential resource in any pharmacy faculty member’s library. More than a narration of the philosophical aspects of teaching and personal perspectives on life as a faculty member, Pharmacy Education explores what matters, why it matters, and how to apply this material to teaching, learning, and assessment in pharmacy education. It covers a variety of teaching settings (e.g., large classroom, small-group teaching, clinical site) and guides the reader in developing a deeper understanding of what it means to be a teacher.

Visit the ACCP Bookstore to learn more about these five new products, and view the range of titles available in the categories important to your practice and career.