American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Visit the ACCP Bookstore in Louisville

While in Louisville at the ACCP Annual Meeting, please visit the ACCP Bookstore and say hello to the always-friendly bookstore staff. This year, to make your time at the bookstore more efficient, ACCP will be using a new computerized order system for on-site sales. ACCP is also again offering free shipping on all on-site continental U.S. orders (excluding full sets of PSAP) and member prices for all registrants of the meeting.

In addition to several new ACCP publications and the continuing favorites from the catalog, also be sure to check-out our new table of “discounted titles” that will be available exclusively in Louisville.

The bookstore will be open daily, Saturday through Wednesday, in the ACCP Registration Area. Browse sample copies of ACCP publications, place your order, and let ACCP ship your items for you.