American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes: Applications to Patient Care

Fully updated and substantially expanded, this second edition of the well-known ACCP publication will enable practicing pharmacists and pharmacy students to develop knowledge and skill to measure and evaluate economic and patient-based outcomes.

Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes: Applications for Patient Care introduces the reader to the terminology and basic components of health economics, outcomes research, and pharmacoeconomics. The text identifies a strategy for designing a research question, a process for conducting a pharmacoeconomics evaluation, and sources of data for economic outcomes analysis. The text includes an extensive series of economic and humanistic assessments, their purpose and application. Economic outcomes measures include cost-of-illness analysis, cost-minimization analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis, decision analysis, Markov modeling, and sensitivity analysis. Humanistic outcomes measures include health status, patient satisfaction, work outcomes, and patient-based assessments.

New and updated chapters include:

  • Evaluating and Justifying Clinical Services by Glen T. Schumock, Pharm.D., M.B.A., BCPS; Melissa Butler, Pharm.D.
  • Using Pharmacoeconomic Methodologies to Develop Health Policy by Judith L. Glennie, Pharm.D., M.Sc., FCSHP; Neil MacKinnon, Ph.D.
  • Markov Modeling by Dan Touchette, Pharm.D., M.A.; Daniel Hartung, Pharm.D.
  • Types of Economic and Humanistic Outcomes Research Questions by Lisa Sanchez, Pharm.D.; Kathy Bungay, Pharm.D., FCCP
  • Investigating the Outcomes Research Question by Jane Osterhaus, M.S., Ph.D., FCCP; J. Gregory Boyer, Ph.D.
  • The Structure of U.S. Health Care Delivery System by Jack E. Fincham, Ph.D.
  • Measuring Work Outcomes by Debra Lerner, Ph.D., M.S.; Kathy Bungay, Pharm.D., FCCP
  • Data Sources and Tools for Measuring Humanistic Outcomes by Michelle M. Chapman, Pharm.D., BCPS
  • Cost-Minimization Analysis by Emily Cox, Ph.D.

Development and publication of Pharmacoeconomics: Applications for Patient Care was assisted by an educational grant from Aventis. ACCP gratefully acknowledges their support.

Citation for textbook:
Grauer DW, Lee J, Odom TD, et al., eds. Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes: Applications for Patient Care, Second Edition. Kansas City: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2003.

ISBN: 1-880401-78-9; 2003; 514 pages; softcover

Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes: Applications to Patient Care, Second Edition
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