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LANGE Smart Charts: Pharmacology, Second Edition

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A pharmacology review that simulates the way students think and learn.

Composed entirely of tables and diagrams, this innovative text delivers a complete review of pharmacology. The unique tabular presentation facilitates comparisons and clarifies relationships among drugs within all classes. Each chapter begins with an outline of the drug class discussed, followed by a list of key terms. Coverage of each drug includes terms of actions, pharmacokinetics, uses, drug interactions, and side effects. Mnemonics and other learning aids are included throughout the book to facilitate learning.

Smart Charts Pharmacology covers every essential topic in pharmacology.

Author(s): Catherine E. Pelletier-Dattu, M.D., FACEP, FAAEM
ISBN: 978-0-07-177436-9
Publication Year: 2015
Format: Softcover
Number of Pages: 448