American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Drug-Induced Diseases, Third Edition

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Now in its third edition, this comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of diseases that result from drug therapy, arming healthcare professionals with critical knowledge to protect the health and welfare of their patients. This important reference includes information on:

  • New chapters including Bleeding Disorders, Teratogenicity, and Oral Manifestations of Systemically Administered Drugs
  • Comprehensive coverage of scores of drug-induced diseases
  • Information pertaining to the contribution of genetic polymorphisms to specific drug-induced diseases
  • And much more

Edited by James E. Tisdale and Douglas A. Miller, with contributions from experts distinguished in their respective specialties, Drug-Induced Diseases is the must-have resource for pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and pharmacy students alike.

Release Date: October 01, 2021

Author(s): James E. Tisdale and Douglas A. Miller
ISBN: 978-1-58528-530-3
Publication Year: 2018
Format: Softcover
Number of Pages: 1400