American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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A Message from the Editor

Dear Colleagues:

This issue of ACCP International Clinical Pharmacist addresses the topic of defining patient- and person-centered care and highlights opportunities available to the international clinical pharmacist to engage in professional development and scholarly endeavors of interest.

Although the term patient-centered care is often used, the full definition and elements required for implementing it are seldom well understood. In light of this, the article titled “Defining Patient-Centered Care” recounts the definitions of patient-, person-, and people-centered care published by recognized U.S. and international organizations and summarizes one organization’s statements on the elements of, barriers to, and additional characteristic that support effective implementation of person-centered care.

The title featured in the Book Highlights department of this issue, Immunology, marks the debut of a distinctive educational series, the Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP). This series focuses on the professional development of pharmacists providing care to the pediatric patient and uses new delivery and interactive features to enhance the learning experience.

The article titled “New Abstract Category Expands Scholarly Opportunities” announces a new and much-needed opportunity for international pharmacists to share innovative practices with like-minded colleagues. This category will afford pharmacists and pharmacy educators an important platform to present their unique contributions to advancing the pharmacy profession in their own countries.

The article titled “Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Practice Series to Be Offered in Shenzhen” describes a unique offering to pharmacists in China who are seeking to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver comprehensive medication management.

I hope you find the content of this issue of interest and relevance to your practice and career advancement.


Wafa Y. Dahdal, Pharm.D., BCPS

Wafa Y. Dahdal, Pharm.D., BCPS