ACCP’s PRNs provide a focal point for clinical pharmacists with common interests and needs in practice, research, and education. Each PRN hosts a business meeting and networking forum at the ACCP Annual Meeting. All meeting registrants are invited to attend these events. A complete list of PRN business meeting and networking forums to be held at the 2022 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy follows.
Sunday, October 16: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (PDT)
- Adult Medicine PRN (Continental Ballroom 6)
- Community-Based PRN (Yosemite Room A)
- Critical Care PRN (Continental Ballroom 4)
- Drug Information PRN (Union Square Room 16)
- Education and Training PRN (Continental Ballrooms 1–3)
- Emergency Medicine PRN (Yosemite Room B)
- Endocrine and Metabolism PRN (Imperial Ballroom B)
- GI/Liver/Nutrition PRN (Union Square 15)
- Infectious Diseases PRN (Imperial Ballroom A)
- Hematology/Oncology PRN (Union Square Rooms 17 & 18)
- Nephrology PRN (Union Square Rooms 23 & 24)
- Pediatrics PRN (Yosemite Room C)
- Pharmaceutical Industry PRN (Union Square Room 14)
Monday, October 17: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (PDT)
- Ambulatory Care PRN (Continental Ballroom 4)
- Cardiology PRN (Continental Ballroom 6)
- Central Nervous System PRN (Yosemite Room B)
- Clinical Administration PRN (Union Square Room 14)
- Geriatrics PRN (Imperial Ballroom B)
- Health Equity PRN (Continental Ballrooms 1–3)
- Health Outcomes PRN (Yosemite Room C)
- HIV PRN (Union Square Room 16)
- Immunology/Transplantation PRN (Yosemite Room A)
- Pain and Palliative Care PRN (Union Square Room 15)
- Perioperative Care PRN (Union Square Room 18)
- Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacogenomics PRN (Continental Ballrooms 7–9)
- Women’s Health PRN (Imperial Ballroom A)