ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge: The Pursuit of Excellence Continues
Now in its second decade of excellence, the ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge returns in 2023. From an initial field of 114 teams, eight have advanced to compete in the quarterfinal rounds. Please join ACCP in recognizing the effort and academic excellence achieved by the 2023 Clinical Pharmacy Challenge quarterfinalists:
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy
- University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy
- University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis, St. Louis College of Pharmacy
- University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
- University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
- University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy
- University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy
- University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2023 ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge Remaining Schedule
Join us for live round competition at the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.
Saturday, November 11
7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. |
Participant walk-through and photo session (Dr. Shelly Enders)
Quarterfinal A |
9:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy |
Quarterfinal B |
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. |
University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy |
Quarterfinal C |
11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. |
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy
University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy |
Quarterfinal D |
Noon – 12:30 p.m. |
University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis, St. Louis College of Pharmacy
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy |
Sunday, November 12
4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
Semifinal A – Winner Quarterfinal A vs. Winner Quarterfinal D |
5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. |
Semifinal B – Winner Quarterfinal B vs. Winner Quarterfinal C |
Monday, November 13
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
Final Round – Winner Semifinal A vs. Winner Semifinal B |
Travel Awards Promote Student and Resident/Fellow Meeting Attendance
ACCP initiated its Student and Resident/Fellow Travel Awards programs to support and encourage student, resident, and fellow attendance at ACCP national meetings as well as to expand opportunities for students and postgraduate trainees throughout the organization. To date, ACCP has awarded more than $95,000 in travel stipends and complimentary meeting registrations. In addition, many PRNs now offer their own travel awards for students, residents, and fellows, providing even more opportunities for attendees to apply for funding to help defray the costs associated with attending the ACCP Annual Meeting.
ACCP thanks the following PRNs and chapters for either donating funds to the ACCP Travel Awards programs or sponsoring their own travel awards:
- Adult Medicine PRN
- Ambulatory Care PRN
- Cardiology PRN
- Central Nervous System
- Critical Care PRN
- Drug Information PRN
- Endocrine and Metabolism PRN
- Geriatrics PRN
- GI/Liver/Nutrition PRN
- Health Outcomes PRN
- Infectious Diseases PRN
- Nephrology PRN
- Pain and Palliative Care PRN
- Pediatrics PRN
- Perioperative Care PRN
- Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacogenomics PRN
- Pulmonary PRN
- Women’s Health PRN
2023–2024 National Student Network Advisory Committee Appointed
Earlier this year, ACCP issued a call for applications to student members interested in serving on the National Student Network Advisory Committee (SNAC). The College received applications from students across the country. After reviewing these applications, ACCP President-Elect Elizabeth Farrington selected student members for appointment. The committee will convene during the upcoming 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting in November.
ACCP is pleased to announce the appointment of the following student members to the 2023–2024 SNAC:
Chair: Kaely Miller, High Point University Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy
Vice Chair: Ryan Kreill, University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Secretary: Geetha Lingechetty, University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Abdullah Al Anbari, Mercer University College of Pharmacy
Kerim Cakir, Temple University School of Pharmacy
Kelsey Ihns, Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy
Shiyi Lan, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy
Dylan LeBoeuf, University of Louisiana at Monroe College of Pharmacy
Rajsumeet Macwan, Touro New York College of Pharmacy
Obioma Opara, Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Ashkan Rastegar, Midwestern University College of Pharmacy-Glendale
Angela Robichaud, University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis, St. Louis College of Pharmacy
ACCP Student Chapter Award Winner Announced
This award recognizes the ACCP student chapter that has best exemplified strength in leadership, dedication in patient care, and passion for professional development through its activities and membership. The chapter’s activities should address ACCP’s core values of extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy and promoting dedication to excellence in patient care, research, and education. A key component of each core value is the clinical pharmacist’s ability to work collaboratively within the health care environment. Each chapter must demonstrate its ability to work with other health disciplines. Please join ACCP in congratulating this year’s Outstanding Student Chapter Award winner, the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Pharmacy. ACCP will present the officers representing the UNMC College of Pharmacy with the Outstanding Chapter plaque and a $1000 award during the Awards session at the 2023 ACCP Annual Meeting.
ACCP Clinical Research Challenge – Winning Teams to Present Virtual Posters at ACCP Annual Meeting
Competition in the 2023 ACCP Clinical Research Challenge (CRC) began in February with 87 teams vying for a spot in round 2: Letter of Intent (LOI) Submission. Teams achieving the top 40 scores after the initial online Journal Club round submitted an LOI. Teams achieving the top 20 scores after round 2 were invited to compete in round 3: Research Protocol Development. Teams in round 3 were tasked with developing a research proposal to demonstrate the value of clinical pharmacy–led services and/or initiatives to improve the health outcomes of patients receiving care in the oncology setting. Teams were provided a specific research environment in which to formulate their proposals.
Proposals were reviewed by the CRC Review Panel, and submissions ranking in the top one-third were referred on for evaluation and selection of awards by the CRC Oversight Panel. Please join ACCP in congratulating the award winners.
2023 ACCP Clinical Research Challenge Award Winners
These top three teams have been invited to present their research design during the Scientific Poster Sessions at the 2023 Annual Meeting in November.
Championship Team: University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy
Proposal Title: Pharmacist Intervention in the Oncology Setting: The Impact of Telehealth Services on Cancer-Related Pain Management
Student Team Members: Pollyanna Leung, Ryan Sue, April Zhou
Faculty Liaison: Tina Denetclaw, Pharm.D., BCPS
Second-Place Team: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy
Proposal Title: A Clinical Pharmacist Intervention to Reduce Fall Risk in Older Patients with Cancer
Student Team Members: Emily Gauthier, Brayden Shirley, Nicole Zachwiega
Faculty Liaison: J. Mark Ruscin, Pharm.D., FCCP
Third-Place Team: University of California, Irvine School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Proposal Title: QuitCareRX: A Pharmacist-Led Nicotine Cessation Program for Oncology Patients
Student Team Members: Tiffany Lam, Aiah (Shyanne) Lee, Lisa Qiu
Faculty Liaison: Shawn Griffin, Pharm.D., BCOP