American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Chennault Named ACCP PBRN Network Director

Rachel Chennault, Ph.D.

Rachel Chennault, Ph.D., was appointed ACCP Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) director in August 2016 after serving 1 year as the network’s interim director. Before this, she was assistant director of the PBRN for 4 years, after completing a postdoctoral fellowship in environmental toxicology in the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Chennault earned a B.S. degree in biology from the University of Kansas and a Ph.D. degree in anatomy and cell biology from the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Chennault is responsible for leading the network’s efforts to facilitate practice-based clinical pharmacy research that optimizes health outcomes. ACCP members and PRNs are encouraged to engage in PBRN research and to reach out to her with ideas for potential practice-based research. Contact her directly at [email protected].