Are you planning to take the Pharmacotherapy Specialty Exam, but finding it difficult to start reviewing? Are you questioning whether you understand some key concepts? Could you use 5.0 hours of continuing education (CE)? Then ACCP’s “Last-Chance Pharmacotherapy Webinar Review Course” is for you!
Avoid time-consuming and costly travel while reaping the benefits of nationally recognized content experts leading brief concept overviews and vignette-based self-assessment questions and feedback. This interactive Web-based course will be delivered directly to your home, office, or anywhere you have broadband Internet access.
Two live sessions, each lasting 2½ hours, will be offered on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, September 9 and 10, 2008. Two different content areas will be covered each evening:
- Infectious Diseases – 6:30–8:00 p.m. (CDT)
- Fluids and Electrolytes – 8:00–9:30 p.m. (CDT)
- Acute Care Cardiology – 6:30–8:00 p.m. (CDT)
- Biostatistics – 8:00–9:30 p.m. (CDT)
From a technical standpoint, it’s simple. All you need is broadband Internet access, an Internet browser, Adobe Flash Player (already installed on more than 98% of devices currently connected to the Internet; otherwise, a free download), and speakers or headphones for audio.
The cost for participation is only $129.95 for anyone who attended the 2008 Spring Practice and Research Forum or anyone who purchased a 2008 Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review Course product. The cost is $149.95 for all other ACCP members and $169.95 for all other non-members. Webinar registration opened on August 11. “Seats” are limited, so sign up early at www.accp.com.