Join students from across the country at the Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, for a half-day program exploring the concept of specialization within clinical pharmacy. This exclusive student program, titled “Off and Running to a Specialty Career,” will provide students the unique opportunity to interact with clinical practitioners who are directly engaged in specialized practice careers. Attendees will gain valuable insight into the role of residency training, board certification, and advanced degree programs in pursuit of specialty or subspecialty pharmacy practice. Take the opportunity to learn more about the many potential career paths available to those who pursue specialty practice during the roundtable session. Clinical Specialists representing more than 15 areas of specialty/subspecialty practice will be on hand to provide information about their respective focus areas and to address questions regarding specialty career options.
This program, created especially for student pharmacists, will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2008, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For additional information about this session and other meeting highlights, visit