American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Again Offers Popular Online Student Curriculum Vitae Review Program

Last fall marked the debut of ACCP’s innovative Online Curriculum Vitae Review Program. The program is an exclusive service offered to student members as a means to facilitate their curriculum vitae preparation. ACCP is pleased to offer once again this important benefit to its student members.

As the clinical pharmacy profession continues to see an increase in demand for residency positions and competition for first-rate jobs, it is vital that students have a well-prepared curriculum vitae (CV). A well-written CV can provide a positive image for future selection committees or employers, and it distinguishes an individual from the rest of the crowd. As questions arise in preparing and completing one’s CV, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a seasoned professional review it?

Beginning September 29, ACCP student members will be able to submit their curricula vitae online as a Microsoft Word document and have them randomly assigned to a volunteer ACCP member reviewer. The ACCP reviewer will provide his/her comments and suggested edits using the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. Students will receive an e-mail containing feedback from the reviewer within 14 business days.

When preparing a CV for review, be sure to take advantage of ACCP’s other Web-based resources. Learn the basics of CV formatting, view sample student CVs, and access valuable “curriculum vitae pearls” that provide practical insights in developing a CV. These services and other resources are accessible from the student section of the ACCP Web site at For questions about the ACCP CV Review Service, please contact Jon Poynter at [email protected].