ACCP invites you to submit an abstract to be considered for presentation during the 2024 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium (VPS), May 21 and 22, 2024. The VPS was launched in 2012 because travel, funding, and schedule conflicts often made it difficult for participants to attend a conference in person.
All investigators in the field of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology, ACCP members and nonmembers, are invited to submit abstracts. The deadline to submit abstracts (EXCLUDING Research-in-Progress abstracts) is March 25, 2024. The deadline to submit abstracts in the Research-in-Progress category is April 22, 2024.
All abstracts accepted for presentation, except for “Encore” and “Research-in-Progress” presentations, will have full-text abstracts published online in JACCP. To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria or to submit an abstract, visit