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2025 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium


  • March 24, 2025: submission deadline for all abstracts, except Research-in-Progress.
  • April 22, 2025: submission deadline for Research-in-Progress abstracts.
  • April 29, 2025: Abstract acceptances will be announced.

Investigators in the field of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology, ACCP members and nonmembers alike, will present findings during the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium, May 20 & 21, 2025.

Posters will be on display May 19 through May 26 for asynchronous viewing and comment. In addition, two interactive sessions will be held on May 20 and May 21 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EASTERN Time when authors and their virtual posters will be available for real-time online question-and-answer interactions on the evening of their choice. The technology required for presenters and the poster-viewing audience is minimal—a broadband Internet connection and a current version of an Internet browser.

All accepted abstracts presented during the symposium, excluding “Encore” and “Research-in-Progress” posters, will have full-text abstracts published online in the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (JACCP). Only the abstract title, authors, and original citation will be published for "Encore" presentations.

To help defray the costs of hosting the Virtual Poster Symposium, a $50 fee will be charged to submit an abstract. This is a submission fee and will not be refunded, independent of whether an abstract is accepted or declined for presentation.

Regular Abstract Categories

Regular Abstract Submission Categories Currently Open

Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts must describe the development, delivery, justification, or documentation of clinical pharmacy practice, education, or training outside of the United States. Abstracts may be descriptive and need not contain an evaluative component.

Abstracts must be structured with the section headers of: Service or program, justification/documentation, adaptability, and significance.

Abstracts will be evaluated based on the originality of the service or program to the specific setting, adequacy of justification/documentation, adaptability to other settings, and significance to international clinical pharmacy advancement.

Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts of case reports must update and expand therapeutic insights and possibilities, or generate research hypotheses. While narrative in nature, these abstracts must stress the 'evidence' for the authors' conclusions by describing the process followed to understand the findings and possible mechanisms involved in the patient's case, how the patient was evaluated and treated, and a specific description of the outcome.

Abstracts must be structured with the section headers: Introduction, case, discussion, and conclusion.

Case report abstracts will be evaluated based on the abstract criteria recommended by the CARE Guidelines (CAse REport Group, uniqueness of report, clinical findings presented, outcomes documented, and “take-away” lessons.

Abstracts of case reports presented elsewhere, but important to clinical pharmacy, are encouraged as "Encore" submissions (see Encore section for more details).

Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts must describe the development, delivery, justification, or documentation of new or innovative clinical pharmacy services. Abstracts that address components of the ACCP Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacists (see and/or describe efforts to develop, advance, or position clinical pharmacists to optimize patient care are encouraged. Abstracts may be descriptive and need not contain an evaluative component.

Abstracts must be structured with the section headers of: Service or program, justification/documentation, adaptability, and significance.

Abstracts will be evaluated based on originality of the service or program, adequacy of justification/documentation, adaptability to other settings, and significance to clinical pharmacy.

Submit an Abstract

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Encore presentation are accepted in the Original Research, Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses, or Case Reports categories only. Abstracts submitted for the Encore Presentation category must not be modified from the previously presented/published version. This includes the title, authors, and abstract body. The presenting author may change, but the author must be an author on the original abstract.

  • Abstracts submitted for Encore Presentations must not be modified from the previously presented/published version. This includes the title, authors, and abstract body. The presenting author may change, but the author must be an author on the original abstract.
  • The same abstract may not be presented at more than one national ACCP event.
  • Only the abstract title, authors, and original citation will be published in JACCP.
Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts must summarize quantitative or qualitative findings from completed research. Basic, clinical, translational, dissemination/implementation, or educational research are examples of acceptable research. Topics should appeal to a clinical pharmacy audience and may include research in drug metabolism, education/pedagogy, health services, medication safety, patient/population outcomes, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, or pharmacotherapy. Abstracts reporting in vitro or animal research are welcome.

  • Abstracts must be structured with the section headers of: Introduction, research question or hypothesis, study design, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Abstracts will be evaluated based on merits of the research question/hypothesis, study design, originality, methods, data analysis, results, and conclusions.
  • Descriptions of planned research efforts or preliminary data will not be accepted.
  • Original research findings presented elsewhere, but important to clinical pharmacy, are encouraged as “Encore” submissions (see Encore Presentation details below).
  • A previously presented abstract may form the basis for a new abstract to be submitted for consideration in the Original Research category if the previous abstract:
    • was a descriptive report of planned research only,
    • described preliminary results only and complete results are now available,
    • was presented at a student, resident, or fellow conference focused on gaining presentation experience and/or formative feedback
    • was presented at an ACCP Chapter or PRN event, or
    • conclusions have been added/modified based on a new hypothesis and data analysis of the original results database.
Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts must describe a scoping review adhering to the guidelines and definitions established by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Please refer to the PRISMA-ScR fillable checklist for more details. You can click here to access the checklist.

Abstracts should highlight the objectives, findings, and implications of the review, emphasizing its contribution to knowledge and identifying gaps for further research. (Note: Scoping reviews are distinct from traditional literature reviews in their broader focus and exploratory nature.)

Abstracts presented elsewhere but important to clinical pharmacy are encouraged as submissions.

Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts must describe a systematic review adhering to the guidelines and definitions established by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA for Abstracts statement) and include the 12-items published in the PRISMA for Abstracts checklist (

Abstracts must be structured with the PRISMA for Abstracts format: Background, methods, results, discussion, and other.

Abstracts will be evaluated based on merits of the 12 PRISMA for Abstracts checklist items: Title, objectives, eligibility criteria, information sources, risk of bias, included studies, synthesis of results, description of the effect, strengths and limitations of evidence, interpretation, funding, and registration.

Abstracts presented elsewhere, but important to clinical pharmacy, are encouraged as "Encore" submissions (see Encore Presentation details below).

Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Tuesday April 22, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Submission guidelines are those of an Original Research abstract except that the research effort is ongoing at the time of abstract submission.

  • The presenting author must be in a post-graduate training program (PGY-1 or PGY-2 residency, Ph.D./Masters graduate degree program, or fellowship training program).
  • Abstracts submitted in the Research-in-Progress category are not eligible for the Resident and Fellow Best Poster competition. *Note: to be eligible for the Best Poster competition, the research must meet the criteria for and be submitted under the Original Research category, indicating that it was conducted by a resident or fellow.
  • In-Progress abstracts will not be published in JACCP.
Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Tuesday April 22, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Submission guidelines are those of an Original Research abstract except that the research effort is ongoing at the time of abstract submission.

  • The presenting author must be a first professional degree (Pharm.D. or B.S. Pharm.) student.
  • Abstracts submitted in the Research-in-Progress category are not eligible for the Student Best Poster competition. *Note: to be eligible for the Best Poster competitions, the research must meet the criteria for and be submitted under the Original Research category, indicating that it was conducted by a student.
  • In-Progress abstracts will be not published in JACCP.

Invite Only Abstract Categories

Invite Only Abstract Submission Categories Currently Open

Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Monday March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.

Abstracts must summarize quantitative or qualitative findings from completed research. Basic, clinical, translational, dissemination/implementation, or educational research are examples of acceptable research. Topics should appeal to a clinical pharmacy audience and may include research in drug metabolism, education/pedagogy, health services, medication safety, patient/population outcomes, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, or pharmacotherapy. Abstracts reporting in vitro or animal research are welcome.

  • Abstracts must be structured with the section headers of: Introduction, research question or hypothesis, study design, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Descriptions of planned research efforts or preliminary data will not be accepted.


Submit an Abstract

Word Limit: This abstract category has a 300 word limit.

Abstract Deadline: Thursday May 1, 2025, 11:59 PM Central Time.



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