American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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2024 ACCP/ASHP Board Review and Recertification Courses

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1. FAX your registration form (both pages) to (913) 492-0088.
2. PHONE to register at (913) 492-3311.
3. MAIL your registration form (both pages) with check, credit card information, or money order to:

American College of Clinical Pharmacy
13000 West 87th Street Parkway, Suite 100
Lenexa, KS 66215-4530

An administrative fee of $75 will be charged for meeting registrations canceled on or before February 9, 2024. An administrative fee of $50 will be charged for any change or transfer.

Note: If you are not an ACCP member but are a member of ASHP, in order to receive an ASHP member discount you should register with ASHP by visiting