American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Guide to the ACCP PRNs

Adult Medicine

Since its inception in 1999, the ACCP Adult Medicine Practice and Research Network (PRN) has grown to be one of the largest PRNs. We have members practicing in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as in academia and the pharmaceutical industry.

Members of our PRN report providing a broad range of clinical consulting services including, but not limited to anticoagulation, cardiology, nutrition support, pain management and pharmacokinetics.

Benefits of membership within the Adult Medicine PRN include networking opportunities, access to the PRN membership, opportunities for participation on one of the Adult Medicine PRN committees (e.g., Walk-Rounds Committee, Programming Committee, Newsletter Committee, etc), and eligibility to apply for an Adult Medicine PRN meeting travel award. Our members are very active within the PRN and ACCP, with many holding leadership positions. Our PRN is committed to the practice of evidence-based medicine and promotes active involvement in scholarly and research activities, including collaboration with the ACCP PBRN. Joining the Adult Medicine PRN is an excellent way for all pharmacy trainees (e.g. students, fellows, residents) to get actively involved in advancing the practice of Adult Medicine and collaborating with other like-minded individuals.

To keep up to date on trainee opportunities from the Adult Medicine PRN, become a member or follow us on X (@ACCPAMEDPRN) and Facebook (Adult Medicine PRN). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Opportunities for involvement and activities available:

  • Access to AMED PRN community and networking
  • Newsletter submissions for clinical pearls and journal club synopses
  • Involvement in committees
  • Poster review
  • Annual Meeting Networking and application for travel award from the PRN
  • Specific presentation offerings with mentorship from the PRN: Resident/Fellow eJournal Club and Student Grand Rounds
Total Members: 718
Student Members: 79
Resident Members: 53
Fellow Members: 5

Ambulatory Care

The Ambulatory Care Practice and Research Network (PRN) is one of the largest ACCP PRNs. We serve a variety of different practice types (outpatient hospital, community, research, physician office, VA, etc.) and practice areas (primary care, geriatrics, pediatrics, anticoagulation, lipid management, diabetes management, pain management, etc).

Our PRN has various committees that help to focus our efforts and make the PRN productive. New practitioners interested in becoming more involved in ACCP are encouraged to volunteer for one of the committees. A semi-annual newsletter (typically April/October) is prepared by the communications committee.

One of the best resources within ACCP is our knowledgeable membership. Members can gain access to the brainpower of other members through our PRN mailing list (list-serve). It helps clinicians and researchers answer difficult questions related to patient care, billing, management, literature evaluation and other topics. Pharmacists who are not practicing in Ambulatory Care often join our PRN just for this resource. Joining the Ambulatory Care PRN is a great way to start networking. Many ACCP leaders are members of the PRN and come to the PRN Networking sessions and Education sessions at ACCP meetings.


Involvement In Committees

Students, residents and fellows may serve on any Ambulatory Care PRN committee. They are involved with providing new opportunities for education and engagement with the ambulatory care community.

Travel Awards

Up to five travel awards are given to resident or fellow members of ACCP and up to three travel awards are given to student members to help support attendance at the Annual Meeting. Applications will open in June. More information will be posted to the ACCP website closer to the submission date. The awards are funded by the Ambulatory Care PRN budget.

The Ambulatory Care Mentoring Program

This program pairs residents and students with new practitioners in clinical practice and more seasoned practitioners. The small group (typically three or four individuals) interacts by e-mail, by telephone, or at meetings, however group members see fit. The committee that oversees this mentoring project sends out questions or conversation starters every so often to make sure the mentor/mentee groups remain in communication.

Walk Rounds

Student and resident members who present posters at the ACCP Annual Meeting are also welcome to submit their name for “walk rounds” to receive feedback regarding their project and poster. Students and residents may also participate in their own walk rounds, which will pair them with more experienced practitioners so that they may review posters together and learn from each other.

The Ambulatory Care PRN Journal Club

The journal club provides an opportunity for resident members to present a journal club to a national forum regarding recent literature. Residents are usually paired with one to two mentors from the ACCP Ambulatory Care PRN to guide the resident on how to create an engaging presentation that is presented through a technology-based platform.

Ambulatory Care PRN Resident Articles For ACCP's Experts in Training

Resident members are encouraged to author self-reflections regarding the non-clinical aspects of residency training. Previous residents have written about imposter syndrome, death of a patient, and how to avoid burnout. Resident authors are paired with a group of ACCP Ambulatory Care PRN members to review and improve the articles

Access To Mock Residency Interviews & Inverviews With Residency Program Directors

Student and resident members will have access to a mock interview showing the difference between a "good" interview and an "excellent" interview. Students and residents will also have access to interviews with residency program directors who provide insight on what a residency is looking for in a resident.

Access To The Ambulatory Care PRN Survival Guide

Access to the Ambulatory Care PRN authored and published survival guide. The survival guide provides information on clinical questions, along with advice on practice management in a variety of practice settings.

Total Members: 1424
Student Members: 278
Resident Members: 62
Fellow Members: 4


The Cardiology PRN advances the pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular disorders through the promotion of excellence in education, research, and clinical practice by enhancing the knowledge, skills, and productivity of its members.

Cardiology PRN Objectives: 1.) Provide a means for communication and networking among members; 2.) Provide quality educational programming at national meetings; 3.) Utilize the PRN listserv to facilitate access to information, expertise, and professional opportunities available through the PRN; 4.) Provide opportunities for collaborative research

PRN Benefits and Opportunities:

  • Committee Involvement: Students and post graduate trainees may serve on numerous Cardiology PRN committees, including Communications & Social Media, Membership, Nominations, Programming, Research & Scholarship and/or the Student & Trainee Committee.
  • Travel Awards: Two PRN student/post graduate trainee members are selected annually to receive a travel grant in support of costs associated with the ACCP Annual Meeting held in the Fall. The application window opens in June.
  • Professional Development Activities: Post-graduate fellows and residents are eligible to present monthly PRN-sponsored journal clubs and bi-annual Case Conference webinars with an assigned PRN mentor clinical specialist.
  • Social Media: Weekly PRN posts on applicable social media platforms which include “Teaching Tuesdays”, Board review resources, cardiology-based NAPLEX questions, and more!
  • Cardiology Mentoring Program: This program pairs residents and students with mentors in clinical practice with regular online interaction aided by committee facilitation and in-person meeting opportunities.

If you have a question regarding cardiology or a question about our PRN, please contact us:

Total Members: 934
Student Members: 134
Resident Members: 62
Fellow Members: 6

Central Nervous System

The Central Nervous System Practice and Research Network (CNS PRN) is comprised of individuals interested in both Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacy. Our membership is diverse, consisting of pharmacists practicing within a research environment, academia, industry, community pharmacies and hospitals. Additionally, pharmacy students, residents and fellows account for over 25% of our membership! Our PRN provides a forum to encourage networking among pharmacists/trainees specializing in CNS disorders, delivers high-quality programming on CNS diseases, and fosters an arena where young professionals can develop leadership and presentation skills.

Student/resident/fellow participation within our PRN is highly encouraged. A brief description of our PRN’s Committees is listed below.

  1. Research, Grant & Trainee Committee
    1. Offers 2 travel awards ($500 each) to ACCP Annual Meeting for trainee members (student, resident and/or fellow)
    2. Prepared a “Day in the Life” video to highlight various career paths that are available to trainees within neurology and psychiatry, as well as to highlight a “typical day” for a practicing pharmacist within these areas
    3. Mentor-mentee program
    4. Trainee-led Journals Clubs
    5. Trainee-led Topic Presentations
  2. Recognitions and Nominations Committee
    1. Submit biannual member accomplishments to ACCP
    2. Oversee the Member of the Year and Publication of the Year awards
  3. Communications Committee
    1. Prepare biannual newsletter
      1. This is a great opportunity for trainees to be highlighted in our Student and Resident Spotlight, as well as contribute a pharmacotherapy article or primary literature summary
    2. Maintain the social media platforms for the CNS PRN
      1. Instagram, X/Twitter, Facebook
  4. Education Committee
    1. Organize the CNS PRN Focus Session for the ACCP Annual Meeting
    2. Develop the Speaker Series
      1. Students/residents have prepared the introduction/primer videos for these sessions each year

If you have any questions regarding our CNS PRN or want to become involved in a committee, please contact any of the Officers below.

Total Members: 197
Student Members: 54
Resident Members: 10
Fellow Members: 2

Clinical Administration

The Clinical Administration PRN is comprised of learners, clinicians, and administrators who are seeking to advance clinical pharmacy practice by developing leadership skills. The Clinical Administration PRN is committed to extending opportunities for the student and resident members of the PRN.

The Clinical Administration PRN also offers two competitive travel awards, worth $500 each, for a selected student and resident to present at the PRN business meeting at the ACCP annual meeting. The PRN is active on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) and encourages student and resident members to engage and network through these platforms.

Vision: The Clinical Administration PRN is for clinicians, coordinators, and administrators who are seeking to advance clinical pharmacy practice by developing leadership skills.

Mission: To facilitate networking and educational programming for pharmacy clinician, coordinators and administrators who seek to provide high quality and cost-effective clinical pharmacy services.

Student and resident are encouraged to participate in any of the PRN committees.

PRN Committees

  • Annual Meeting Programming Committee: Responsible for work on the focus session for the upcoming annual meeting
  • Nominations Committee: Responsible for seeking nominations for PRN officers, recommending a ballot of candidates, identifying and nominating worthy individuals for ACCP awards, elected offices, and fellowship status.
  • Communications Committee: Responsible for the PRN Newsletter, PRN social media accounts, and other communication related activities
  • Student and Resident Committee:  Comprised of a diverse group of students, residents, and new practitioners who implement programs to enhance student and resident involvement and exposure to clinical administration and leadership topics

If you have a question regarding the committees or the CADM PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 313
Student Members: 30
Resident Members: 5
Fellow Members: 1


The Community-Based Practice and Research Network provides a forum for meeting the unique needs of ACCP members practicing in community settings. Specifically, this PRN aims to advance community-based pharmacy practice by enhancing collaboration and networking, developing high quality educational programming focused on the needs of community-based pharmacists, and supporting research focused on optimizing patient outcomes through community pharmacy-based initiatives.

PRN Committees (students, residents, and fellows welcome):

  • Awards & Nominations Committee: Responsible for soliciting nominations for PRN officer positions and awards as well as ACCP elected positions, awards, and honors.
  • Communications Committee: Responsible for development and distribution of PRN communications, including but not limited to our quarterly newsletter, ACCP Opinion/White Papers, social media outreach.
  • Membership Committee: Responsible for developing and implementing member recruitment and retention strategies.
  • Programming Committee: Responsible for planning and coordinating year-round programming and the PRN focus session at the ACCP Global Conference/Annual Meeting
Total Members: 129
Student Members: 33
Resident Members: 8
Fellow Members: 6

Critical Care

The Critical Care PRN, founded in 1992, optimizes pharmacotherapy outcomes through promotion of excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. To achieve this, the PRN provides members with timely educational updates, opportunities to participate in multicenter research, and a forum for information sharing among a network of around 1500 critical care pharmacists and trainees nationally.

Opportunities and Resources for Trainee Members

Students, residents, and fellows are invited to expand their professional connections via the PRN networking forums at the ACCP Annual Meeting.

The ACCP Critical Care PRN welcomes all student, resident, and fellow (SRF) members and encourages activity and engagement in each of its committees: Communications, Membership, Programming, Recognition, Research, Social Media, Trainee Engagement, and Travel Awards. Each committee is led by a Chair and Chair-Elect and consists of a mixture of SRF members and clinical pharmacists who collaborate throughout the year on various committee charges. One additional opportunity for involvement is serving as the SRF Representative. Each year, one SRF member is selected to serve on the Critical Care PRN Steering Committee as a liaison and advocate for other SRF members. Applications for this position typically open in September, so be on the lookout!

The Trainee Engagement Committee provides support in recruiting and maintaining SRF members. Each year, PGY2 Critical Care and PGY2 Emergency Medicine residency program directors are provided information on free Critical Care PRN membership that can be distributed to PGY2 residents. This committee also coordinates an annual feedback survey specifically for SRF members to better optimize involvement opportunities, initiatives, and resources throughout the Critical Care PRN. Some initiatives include the SRF Member Quarterly Spotlight where we highlight outstanding achievements of a selected SRF member, and the Poster Preview Session where SRF members can practice their poster presentations and receive feedback prior to the ACCP Annual Meeting. The PRN provides an annual “Keeping Up with the Literature” document aimed at providing strategies and resources for staying current with medical literature and guidelines. To help identify critical care and pharmacy-related conferences for presenting trainee research project work, the PRN compiles a Conferences and Abstracts Guide with important dates and deadlines so SRF members can plan accordingly.

The Critical Care PRN values SRF member engagement within the profession and provides financial support to do so. The PGY2 Critical Care Resident Research grant offers financial support for residents conducting innovative critical care pharmacy research. Additionally, two Critical Care PRN Student Travel Awards and two Critical Care PRN Resident/Fellow Travel Awards are available each year to offset costs for attending and presenting research at the ACCP Annual Meeting. The PRN is active on social media (Twitter: @accpcritprnFacebook) and encourages SRF members to engage and network through these platforms!

Drug Information

The goals of the Drug Information Practice and Research Network  (DI PRN) are to: provide opportunities for interested pharmacists and trainees to network, problem-solve, and discuss professional challenges related to drug information and informatics; promote practice, research, and education related to drug information and informatics; foster the growth of drug information and informatics in clinical pharmacy practice and college of pharmacy curricula; and encourage the practice of "evidence based medicine." Our members come from various practice sites including academia, health systems, managed care organizations, medical information publishers, and pharmaceutical industry in the United States and abroad.

The DI PRN welcomes and encourages trainees (students/residents/fellows) participation. There are many ways to become involved in the DI PRN. We have multiple committees working on different projects and committees devoted to developing programming for our meetings, membership committee, creating a white paper on drug information, writing a DI PRN newsletter, as well as others.

The DI PRN offers a travel award in the amount of $1,000 for trainees who will be presenting a drug information-related poster or research at the annual meeting. For more information about the requirements please check the travel award webpage on the ACCP website.

The DI PRN is committed to extending opportunities for trainee members of the PRN. These may include:

  • Liaison
  • Collaboration on future DI PRN focus sessions
  • Networking at the annual ACCP DI PRN business meeting

If you have a question regarding drug information or a question about our PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 214
Student Members: 45
Resident Members: 8
Fellow Members: 4

Education and Training

The Education and Training PRN (EDTR PRN) was created to identify issues important to pharmacists involved in teaching pharmacy students and residents. Most of our members belong to another PRN that reflects their primary practice area but are members of the EDTR PRN because of their passion for teaching. As a result, the EDTR PRN enjoys much diversity from its membership.

Students, residents, and fellows are allowed to sit on the Education and Training PRN committees. Committee opportunities include Membership, Networking Forum, Communications, and Student and Post-Graduate Trainee Support. Residents are eligible to serve as vice chairs on any of the aforementioned committees.

  • Student and Post-Graduate Trainee Support Committee: This committee is responsible for serving as the liaison between StuNet and PRN members, as well as developing initiatives to promote and support StuNet. In addition, this committee identifies recipients of the student and resident travel awards.
  • Membership Committee: This committee is responsible for encouraging interested individuals involved in pharmacy education to join the PRN, as well as reaching out to ACCP faculty liaisons and students.
  • Networking Committee: This committee is responsible for encouraging relationships and communication among the PRN members, as well as potential members.
  • Communications Committee: This committee is responsible for the PRN newsletters and listserv communications from the PRN. Committee members also work to develop online resources for EDTR PRN members.

Currently, the EDTR PRN offers a mock interview session for students and residents attending the Annual ACCP Meeting (held in the fall). This workshop provides an opportunity to practice interview skills and receive feedback from pharmacists from across the nation. We welcome student involvement in many PRN committees and also offer travel awards to support attendance at the Annual ACCP Meeting.

Student and resident members presenting posters at the ACCP Annual Meeting will be visited by EDTR members to discuss their research findings and provide support for scholarly pursuit.

Travel awards are given to resident, fellow, or student members of ACCP and of the EDTR PRN. The recipient must be able to attend the EDTR PRN Business and Networking Meeting at the Annual Meeting to comment on their experiences with ACCP, what they hope to gain or have gained from attending the Annual Meeting, and their interest in education and training.

Criteria include submitting the following items by the specified deadline.

  1. A 500-word essay describing the applicant’s interest and experiences in pharmacy education/training, why the applicant is involved with the EDTR PRN, and how attending the Annual Meeting will assist with the applicant's career goals. The applicant is encouraged to highlight involvement relevant to leadership, research, ACCP/ the PRNs, and activities indicating an interest in education.
  2. A current CV highlighting experiences related to education and training and ACCP activities at the school, regional, PRN, and national level, as applicable.
  3. One letter of recommendation highlighting the applicant’s interest in pharmacy education/training, interaction and interest in the EDTR PRN, how the travel award will help the trainee achieve their career goals, and the trainee’s involvement in research, ACCP, and their school’s ACCP student chapter if applicable.

Calls for awards are sent in August, and recipients are notified in September.

If you have a question regarding education and training or a question about our PRN, please feel free to contact any of the officers listed below.

Total Members: 523
Student Members: 24
Resident Members: 12
Fellow Members: 6

Emergency Medicine

The Emergency Medicine PRN (Practice Research Network) was established in 2008. The focus of this PRN is to provide a forum for those who practice in emergency departments or have an interest in issues related to patient care in the emergency department. The listserv provides a medium for communication for PRN members on clinical and operational issues in emergency medicine pharmacy practice. A newsletter is published each year pertaining to the important issues related to the PRN or the area of emergency medicine.

The ACCP Annual meeting provides opportunities for members to network and share ideas on a face-to-face basis during the PRN’s business meeting. In addition, the Emergency Medicine PRN will contribute to the educational efforts during ACCP meetings through planning and organizing platform presentations from experts on the frontline of emergency medicine pharmacy practice.

Students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to become members of this PRN and come join us in shaping the future of emergency medicine pharmacy.

Join us for weekly discussion on emergency medicine and critical care topics on the ACCP EM PRN Podcast and Youtube page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the liaisons listed below.

Endocrine and Metabolism

The Endocrine and Metabolism (E&M) PRN is composed of members from a variety of practice settings including ambulatory care clinics, academia, community and hospital. Areas of practice and research interests of members include endocrine disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, obesity and metabolic disorders, as well as other related conditions. 

Benefits of membership within the E&M PRN include educational programming at meetings, access to the PRN community page, two yearly PRN newsletters, which include recent updates in the field of E&M and the ability to actively participate and network within the PRN as students, residents and fellows can volunteer to serve on any of the PRN Committees. The PRN also has many opportunities for members to be actively involved, including leadership positions within ACCP. 

In addition, the E&M PRN offers travel awards each year to provide financial support for students and postgraduate trainees to attend the ACCP Annual Meeting. Travel award recipients present an E&M topic at the PRN Business Meeting which is scheduled on Sunday or Monday evening during the ACCP Annual Meeting.

PRN Committees (students, residents & fellows welcome)

  • Education Committee: responsible for developing the PRN focus session at the ACCP Annual Meeting, E&M related educational activities and "hot topic" blog posts.
  • Membership Committee: responsible for selecting recipients for the PRN Trainee Travel Awards, engaging members in the activities, including networking functions, of the PRN.
  • Communications Committee: responsible for overseeing and monitoring the PRN's email list-serve, webpage, and Facebook page, and publishing PRN newsletters.
  • Nominations Committee: responsible for seeking nominations for PRN offices and nominating worthy members for ACCP awards, elected offices, and fellowship status.
  • Research Committee: responsible for leading development of E&M research ideas and manuscript and contributing to professional development in research strategies
Total Members: 299
Student Members: 38
Resident Members: 18
Fellow Members: 2


The Geriatrics PRN serves as a network of clinical specialist with expertise in geriatrics. These clinicians serve a wide range of settings from community to long-term care to academia, as well as others. Activities include Focus Sessions on challenging clinical topics at the Annual Meeting in the Fall. There is also time devoted to networking at each meeting to exchange experiences and research interests with other geriatrics specialists. The Geriatrics PRN publishes an annual newsletter highlighting the activities and achievements of our members, a word from our chair, and other geriatric pharmacy topics.


Travel Awards

Each year travel awards will be offered to a student or resident pursuing geriatric pharmacy. The award recipient must attend the Geriatrics PRN business meeting, where an excerpt from his or her essay will be read to the PRN. The Awards Committee determines the winner, and the Geriatrics PRN treasury funds the award.

If you have a question regarding geriatrics or a question about our PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 234
Student Members: 50
Resident Members: 14
Fellow Members: 2


Established in 2000, the GI/Liver/Nutrition (GILN) PRN consists of clinical pharmacists, trainees, and researchers interested in promoting and advancing practice, research, and education in the areas of gastrointestinal (GI) disease, liver disease, and nutrition.

The GILN PRN offers many opportunities for residents, fellows, and students, including travel awards for the ACCP Annual Meeting, networking with experienced practitioners, and involvement in PRN leadership. Potential opportunities include journal clubs, clinical pearls, and development of the student/resident outreach committee.

Please contact us if you have questions about GILN or our PRN!

PRN Committees

  • Students/residents are encouraged to participate and take advantage of PRN opportunities, such as social media outreach or advocacy participation.
Total Members: 149
Student Members: 28
Resident Members: 9
Fellow Members: 1

Global Health

Established in 2015, the Global Health Practice and Research Network (PRN) was created out of a need to provide clinical pharmacists, trainees, and researchers with a single network to address global health concerns, to reduce the disparities in the delivery of pharmacy services on an global level, and to learn from the successes and mistakes of others through education, research, and idea sharing. Global Health PRN members consist of pharmacists from diverse clinical backgrounds who are passionate about global health disparities and seek to influence ACCP policy from the clinician level. The PRN remains active through its list serve as well as through multiple committees including Programming, Member-Engagement, and Scholarship.

Follow us on our ACCP PRN X account @ACCPGlobal


  • Check out our Directory for Post-Graduate Training Opportunities in Global Health and reach out to us to expand your network! This directory is updated annually by the Global Health PRN and includes PGY1 residencies, PGY2 residencies, and fellowship programs offering global health opportunities.
  • Check out our Global Health Resource Directory made up of PRN pharmacist members who have identified themselves as willing and open to speaking with trainees who are interested, considering, and/or deciding to pursue a career in or related to Global Health. Find it on our communities page!
  • Scholarship Committee has a mentored writing opportunity consisting of a senior author (> 5 years of practice) paired with junior authors (students/residents/fellows/ <5 years practice) to write an article based on a topic of interest for publication.
  • Programming Committee offers opportunities for student/resident/fellow to lead journal clubs with colleagues globally to create discussion and collaboration on timely topics with perspectives from around the world.
  • Membership Engagement Committee offers a variety of opportunities from articles for PRN newsletter publication to social media content creation and engagement.
  • Join a PRN committee: Member Engagement (with a focus on trainees), Nominations, Programming, and Scholarship. We are actively recruiting students, trainees and new grads!
Total Members: 117
Student Members: 21
Resident Members: 4
Fellow Members: 5

Health Equity

The Health Equity PRN is composed of clinical pharmacists, postgraduate trainees, and students with an interest in promoting health equity across all practice settings. The Health Equity PRN facilitates educational programming, networking, leadership opportunities, and collaborative research opportunities for individuals interested in reducing health disparities. The Health Equity PRN has standing committees in which all trainees are welcome to volunteer to serve. In addition, the Health Equity PRN has a Trainee Committee dedicated to the following goals:

  • Encourage fellows, residents, and students to serve and participate in Health Equity PRN initiatives
  • Plan networking activities focused on advancement of trainees in the profession
  • Coordinate mentor-mentee placement in a structured mentorship program

To keep up to date on trainee opportunities from the Health Equity PRN, join our PRN and/or follow us on X (@accphleqprn).

Total Members: 153
Student Members: 24
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 9

Health Outcomes

The Health Outcomes Practice and Research Network (PRN) is a group of members from multiple diverse practice settings, including clinical practice, academia, pharmaceutical industry. Our members are dedicated to evaluating health practices, services and interventions with an effort to improve patient, community and population health. Our PRN aims to foster the development of our members by promoting excellence in education, research, clinical practice, and policy analysis. The Health Outcomes PRN strongly welcomes student participation. Whether you are looking to learn more about health outcomes research, are looking to develop your research skills, or looking for mentorship and guidance on how to incorporate outcomes research into your pharmacy career, the Health Outcomes PRN offers multiple opportunities for leadership, growth, and development throughout the year. Students are welcome to join the PRN committees including Planning Committee, Social Media Committee and Awards Committee (see details below).  The Health Outcomes PRN offers a great way to develop relationships with colleagues with similar interests and established researchers who could act as future mentors and to develop yourself as a future leader and pharmacy researcher.

PRN Committees (students, residents, and fellows welcome)

  • Planning Committee: This committee plans all Health Outcomes PRN events including quarterly research in progress and research methods webinars, our annual business meeting, and our networking event at the ACCP Annual Meeting.
  • Social Media Committee: This committee is responsible for developing engaging posts on our social media pages (X, Instagram, etc.). 
Total Members: 138
Student Members: 16
Resident Members: 1
Fellow Members: 8


Hematology/Oncology PRN Overview

The Hematology/Oncology PRN is a diverse group of professionals actively engaged in clinical practice, education, hospital management, the pharmaceutical industry, and clinical and translational research. Our mission is to foster collaboration and networking opportunities among members both nationally and internationally. We are dedicated to supporting the professional development of junior faculty and trainees, offering a travel award to attend the Annual Meeting.

Our PRN has a strong tradition of active participation from students and post-graduate trainees, many of whom have contributed to the development and promotion of various initiatives within the PRN. We highly encourage those interested to take advantage of opportunities such as the PRN Networking Forum and Focus Sessions at ACCP meetings, engage with PRN committees, and join the PRN community. These platforms provide valuable opportunities to connect with experienced professionals and gain deeper insights into the field of hematology/oncology.

Additionally, we are committed to cultivating future leaders in the field and offers various opportunities to become involved in ACCP initiatives. Trainees interested in learning more about career pathways, mentoring, and opportunities within hematology/oncology are encouraged to reach out to us at any time with the contact information provided below.

PRN Committees

We encourage students to actively participate in one of our PRN committees which include Membership & Operations, Communications and Scholarship, where they can contribute to the achievement of annual goals and objectives. These committees provide invaluable experience in leadership, teamwork, and professional development.


The Hematology/Oncology PRN Scholar Travel Award offers a $1,000 grant to support attendance at the ACCP Annual Meeting. This award is open to full-time student pharmacists in good academic standing, as well as residents and fellows with a demonstrated interest in hematology/oncology. The recipient will be required to present their hematology/oncology-related project at the Hematology/Oncology PRN Business Meeting and submit an abstract for a poster presentation at the Annual Meeting. You can also find more details on eligibility criteria and application requirement on the ACCP Student Travel Awards webpage:

Total Members: 488
Student Members: 142
Resident Members: 31
Fellow Members: 6


The HIV PRN offers members the opportunity to collaborate and discuss the management of the HIV patient through transitions of care in both the inpatient and ambulatory care settings. This PRN provides a forum for clinical pharmacists to optimize the care they deliver to their HIV-infected patients by sharing evidence based recommendations and professional experiences. The HIV PRN fosters the promotion of education for its members and the patients they care for as well as research collaboration. The HIV PRN's objectives are to: 1) provide a network for communication for its members; 2) deliver educational programming and networking events at national meetings; 3) provide members access to other clinical specialists to assist in optimizing HIV care; and 4) promote opportunities for collaboration in educational and research activities.

PRN Committees (students and postgraduate trainees welcome)

Research Committee: responsible for stimulating new research ideas that would impact the HIV PRN membership practice and to facilitate collaboration.

Education and Programming Committee: responsible for developing the PRN focus session at the ACCP Annual Meeting and promote other educational activities to other specialists.

Nominations and Awards Committee: responsible for nominating HIV PRN members for national ACCP awards and developing criteria for HIV PRN awards for trainees.

Newsletter and Social Media Committee: responsible for developing a biannual HIV PRN newsletters and updating all HIV PRN social media accounts.

Advocacy Committee: responsible for education and promoting legislative and regulatory matters related to HIV and its complications.


Students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to be involved subcommittees as well as the HIV PRN annual business meeting.

Infectious Diseases

The Infectious Diseases Practice and Research Network (ID-PRN) promotes the dissemination and exchange of information on infectious diseases pharmacotherapy, teaching, and research among its members. Members include generalists and specialists practicing in antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral pharmacotherapy and/or experimental therapeutics. Diversity exists in practice/research sites including community practice, hospital-based clinical pharmacy, consulting services, academia, and pharmaceutical industry.

ID-PRN members contribute to the infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship landscape through publication and presentations. The ID-PRN also holds business and/or networking forums at ACCP national meetings and substantially contributes to the ACCP sponsored research through the Frontiers Fund. In addition, the ID-PRN, in conjunction with the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, has developed recommendations for training and certification for pharmacists practicing in infectious diseases pharmacotherapy (available on ID-PRN website).


  • Facilitate communication and networking among members
  • Offer quality educational programming and networking opportunities at ACCP national meetings
  • Provide access to relevant information, expertise, and professional opportunities
  • Create opportunities for collaborative research


  • Two opportunities for resident/fellow members to join the executive board as a trainee board member (the term will be October through October each year)
  • Multiple committees to get involved in, including awards, networking, nominations, programming, publications, research, and social media committees
  • Opportunities for resident and fellow members to present nationally in the Learner-Led Journal Club webinar series
  • Travel awards for the national ACCP meeting

Follow our ID-PRN on X/Twitter (@accpinfdprn) to keep up to date on opportunities. ID-PRN members are awaiting the chance to talk with you about the exciting, dynamic and rewarding field of infectious diseases.

Total Members: 1196
Student Members: 171
Resident Members: 73
Fellow Members: 22


The primary mission of the Nephrology PRN is to advance the scope of nephrology pharmacotherapy and to ensure optimal patient outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, or on dialysis. Nephrology PRN members practice in a wide variety of settings including academia, hospitals, dialysis units, and the pharmaceutical industry. The Nephrology PRN publishes a quarterly newsletter and encourages active participation and contributions from students.

Nephrology PRN members are active within the organization including providing programing at national meetings, sitting on ACCP wide committees, and publishing opinion papers or nephrology supported research.


Students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to sit on the Nephrology PRN subcommittees.

Travel Awards

One travel award is given to a resident or fellow member of ACCP. The award recipient presents his or her research at the Nephrology PRN business meeting. The Nephrology PRN funds the award.

If you have a question regarding nephrology as a career or a question about our PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 171
Student Members: 22
Resident Members: 13
Fellow Members: 0

Pain and Palliative Care

The Pain and Palliative Care PRN is comprised of individuals interested in the care of patients with pain and palliative care concerns. Our objectives are to 1) provide a supportive network for all practitioners who have patient care concerns in pain and palliative care 2) provide quality education for practitioners, students and those in post-graduate training and 3) build leadership skills in young practitioners by encouraging their involvement in our network.

Our diverse membership includes pharmacists who practice in the areas of acute pain, cancer pain and chronic non-cancer pain, as well as palliative care. Member practice sites include hospital, community and hospice settings, as well as academic, research and industry settings. Several of our members are on the faculty at pharmacy colleges, preceptors for pharmacy practice residencies, and program directors and preceptors for specialized PGY-2 residencies in pain and palliative care.


Students, residents and fellows are allowed to sit on the PRN subcommittees, including Programming and Membership committees.

Travel Awards

Two travel awards are given to resident, fellow, or student members of ACCP. The awards are $500 each. Applicants must be able to attend the ACCP Annual Meeting to present their research on a current pain/palliative care topic and be on hand to receive the award during the Pain and Palliative Care PRN business meeting. The Travel Grant Committee determines the winner, and the PRN treasury funds the award.


If you have a question regarding pain and palliative care or a question about our PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 188
Student Members: 33
Resident Members: 7
Fellow Members: 3


Learner's Guide to the Pediatrics PRN: Your Path to Impact and Innovation in Pediatric Pharmacy

 Are you passionate about making a difference in children's health? The Pediatrics Practice and Research Network (PRN) is your gateway to a rewarding career in pediatric pharmacy, where every member is dedicated to advancing the care of infants, children, and adolescents. Through the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), the Pediatrics PRN offers you a unique opportunity to connect with experts, gain hands-on experience, and dive into pediatric pharmacy practice in diverse clinical settings.

 Why Join the Pediatrics PRN?

  • Invaluable Connections: Join a network of pediatric pharmacy professionals eager to share their expertise with you! Connect through our PRN Focus Sessions, annual business meetings, virtual journal clubs, and career roundtable discussions—all designed to help you grow.
  • Real Opportunities: Get involved in committees, take advantage of travel awards, and access educational events that build your experience and career. We engage actively on social media and stay connected with organizations across healthcare.
  • Expand your pediatric knowledge: Learn differences in practices between organizations through helpful inquiries posed on the active Communities and through learner-led virtual journal clubs.
  • No added cost: PRN memberships are included with annual dues for all learners and allows you to explore the Pediatric PRN for free!

Unique Opportunities for Learners and New Practitioners

  • Travel Awards
    Take your research to the next level with our Travel Award of $1500! Each year, we support two ACCP learner members, one student and one resident or fellow, with an accepted abstract for the ACCP Annual Meeting Scientific Poster Presentations. This award helps to fund your travel to present your research at the Pediatrics PRN business meeting. Look out for application details sent via email!
  • Memorial Fund Awards
    We offer two $1,500 awards annually to students and residents who have made significant contributions to the Pediatrics PRN. Let us recognize your impact!
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Membership Funding
    We’re committed to inclusivity in pediatric pharmacy. That’s why we provide one-year funded memberships to students and residents from underrepresented areas, helping you access valuable networking and educational resources.

Join a Committee—Shape Your Career

Gain hands-on experience, network, and give back by participating in our committees! Your voice matters, and our committees are a perfect place to explore interests, gain mentorship, and make professional connections.

  • Travel Award Committee: Help review applications and award travel grants to deserving students, residents, and fellows.
  • Nominations Committee: Play a role in the leadership selection process for ACCP officers and awardees.
  • Education Committee: Plan programming for the ACCP Annual Meeting and organize networking opportunities and year-round educational events.
  • Professional Advancement Committee: Create tools, resources, and mentorship opportunities that advance pediatric pharmacy and foster collaborations.
  • Research and Publications Committees: Join efforts to conduct and publish impactful research on practices, outcomes, medication safety, and efficacy.
  • Social Media Committee: Connect with members on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to enhance the visibility of pediatric pharmacy.
  • Student/Resident Committee: Lead initiatives for students, like creating newsletters, hosting events, and connecting with our diverse membership.

Ready to take the next step? Explore how the Pediatrics PRN can support your professional development and help you make a real impact in pediatric pharmacy. [Click here to learn more].


If you have questions or are ready to get involved, reach out—we’re excited to welcome you into the future of pediatric pharmacy!

Total Members: 609
Student Members: 150
Resident Members: 28
Fellow Members: 2

Perioperative Care

The Perioperative Care PRN represents a diverse group of clinical pharmacists involved in the spectrum of patient care provided to surgical and procedural patients. This may include clinical pharmacists involved in preoperative optimization of elective surgical patients, perioperative clinical pharmacists involved in pre-, intra-, and post-operative surgical patient care, procedural clinical pharmacists involved in pre-, intra, and post-procedural care, emergency medicine clinical pharmacists involved in preoperative management of trauma patients, and clinical pharmacists on the inpatient division or in the intensive care unit who provide postoperative and/or postprocedural care. Our mission is to incorporate interdisciplinary collaboration through academia, research, and practice development while ensuring safe and effective perioperative and periprocedural pharmacotherapy for all patient populations.

The Perioperative Care PRN has numerous opportunities for fellows, residents and students to become involved. In addition to serving on committees, future growth opportunities include resident journal clubs, student-provided clinical pearls, and development of a student/resident outreach committee.

Opportunities for Engagement in the PRN

Committees> (Students, Residents and Fellows are welcome and encouraged to participate)

  • Education & Research- Responsible for developing the PRN focus session at the ACCP Annual Meeting along with quarterly webinars for the PRN. Responsible for stimulating new research ideas that would impact the Perioperative PRN membership practice and to facilitate collaboration.
  • Nominations & Membership- Responsible for nominating candidates for ACCP awards and honors, internal Perioperative PRN awards, and for ACCP fellowship. Other responsibilities include engaging and recruiting members by promoting activities of the PRN.
  • Communication and Social Networking- The committee is responsible for the PRN quarterly newsletters along with organizing PRN networking functions at the Annual ACCP meeting.

Travel Awards

  • The Perioperative PRN offers a travel award to one (1) Periop PRN student, resident, or fellow who has an interest in perioperative medicine and meets eligibility requirements. The award recipient will present their project at the Perioperative Care PRN business meeting.

Poster Sessions

  • Virtual Poster Session Awards - The PRN may also offer virtual poster session awards to students, residents and fellows.


If you have questions regarding perioperative care or about the Perioperative Care PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 129
Student Members: 6
Resident Members: 4
Fellow Members: 0

Pharmaceutical Industry

The Pharmaceutical Industry PRN supports members working in the pharmaceutical industry and provides awareness and education to members who do not work in the industry by providing educational and developmental programs and networking opportunities. Our members seek to develop and facilitate research, education, and pharmaceutical care collaborations between clinical pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry and clinical pharmacists in academic or other clinical settings.

If you are a student, resident or fellow member who wishes to know more about the pharmaceutical industry, is looking for internships within the industry, or has questions about the industry, we encourage you to contact us. Our PRN holds focused educational sessions and business meetings at the ACCP Annual Meeting, participates in the student Career Path Roundtable Session, and is available through e-mail.

Our e-mail list provides for the timely exchange of critical information affecting our members and is an excellent resource for all members to learn more about the issues facing clinical pharmacists working in various industry-based fields (medical science liaisons, basic and clinical research, regulatory and medical affairs, etc.).

If you have a question regarding the pharmaceutical industry or the Pharmaceutical Industry PRN or if you desire mentoring, please contact any of the current leadership listed below.


  • Residents, fellows, and students are encouraged to sit on the Pharmaceutical Industry PRN subcommittees.
  • Residents and fellows are also encouraged to attend PRN educational sessions and actively participate in PRN meetings.
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry PRN helps fund one or two student ACCP travel awards.  Travel grants of $500 are available for individuals who have demonstrated leadership and are interested in pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry PRN helps fund one resident and one fellow ACCP travel award. Two $500 awards are given to residents or fellows who have a poster accepted to the ACCP Annual Meeting. The award recipients must present their original research at the Pharmaceutical Industry PRN business meeting.
Total Members: 204
Student Members: 78
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 6


The Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacogenomics PRN was created for ACCP members to provide a mechanism for networking and collaboration, educational programming, and a high-quality forum where members with similar interests can discuss PK/PD/PG clinical practice and research. The PRN is a forum designed to present and discuss a variety of current topics including: precision medicine, population PK/PD/PG analyses, innovative modeling, clinical research, clinical implementation, drug metabolism studies, and concentration-effect relationships.

The PK/PD/PG PRN welcomes trainee members (student, resident, fellow)! The membership is keen to provide mentorship for trainees interested in pursuing PK/PD/PG as a clinical or research career, or to simply learn the science as it applies to clinical practice.

Benefits of membership in this PRN include participation in PK/PD/PG related educational activities and committees including the Programming Committee and the Outreach Committee. Trainee members will also benefit from networking and collaboration with PRN members as well as mentorship from senior members of the PRN. The PK/PD/PG PRN also offers the annual M. Kelli Jordan Travel award, a $1,000 travel award for a PK/PD/PG trainee to attend the ACCP Annual Meeting. 

If you are interested in PK/PD/PG come join us for stimulating interactions at the ACCP Annual Meeting each year or reach out to a member of the leadership team!

Total Members: 291
Student Members: 44
Resident Members: 14
Fellow Members: 22


The Pulmonary PRN, established in 2017, aims to enhance patient care in pulmonary diseases through innovation, research, and education. Our members managing pulmonary conditions across diverse settings: from general practice (asthma and COPD, smoking cessation), to specialized practices (interstitial and autoimmune lung diseases, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, obliterative bronchiolitis, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis), to acute care settings (acute lung injury (ALI), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), advanced lung failure and lung transplantation, mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membranous oxygenation).

The Pulmonary PRN remains focused on the engagement of current and new members. The PRN holds a Focus session at the Annual Meeting as well as an annual business meeting and networking opportunities.  


  • The Pulmonary PRN will welcome resident and student members in a variety of capacities for mentorship and professional advancement, including through our existing committee structure. Our committees include:
    • Communications Committee
    • Education and Programming Committee
    • Nominations and Awards Committee
    • Research Committee
  • Future travel grants, seed awards, FIT and MeRIT scholarships
Total Members: 118
Student Members: 22
Resident Members: 8
Fellow Members: 1


The Transplant PRN is committed to advancing quality research, clinical practice, innovation, and education in solid organ transplantation. It unites a diverse group of professionals who share a common goal: enhancing patient outcomes through collaborative efforts in their field. The PRN fosters a supportive environment for information exchange, which is crucial to achieving this objective.

To facilitate this, the Transplant PRN organizes various activities, including Focus Sessions at the ACCP Annual Meetings and monthly webinars led by the Programming Committee. Our active List-serve promotes the sharing of ideas and protocols among solid organ transplant professionals, allowing students, residents, and fellows to broaden their perspectives beyond their specific institutions. Additionally, our extensive social media presence keeps members updated on new research and fosters community discussion and engagement. The Transplant PRN aims to serve as the voice of the transplant pharmacy community by promoting scholarly activities that advocate for our profession and patient population.

The Transplant PRN is committed to engaging trainee members by extending opportunities for involvement in our committees and supporting research endeavors in solid organ transplantation.

PRN Committees (trainees welcome)

Nominations Committee: Educate members regarding awards (inform and advertise awards/solicit nominations); nominate members for ACCP awards; request nominations and evaluate internal Transplant PRN awards; manage creating the slate for PRN officer elections; nominate Transplant PRN members for FCCP

Research Committee: Promote, select, and maintain the research grant, annual abstract awards for ACCP Annual Meeting, and innovation funds; organize any PRN position papers; provide these committee members the opportunity to participate in joint ACCP Transplant PRN and American Society of Transplantation Transplant Pharmacy Community of Practice Research and Innovation Committee (creating resources on research and conducting multicenter research projects)

Historian/Communications Committee: Update the Transplant PRN webpage; create an online repository of supportive practice-related documents for Transplant PRN members including policies, protocols, procedures, and local guidelines; generate ACCP and joint newsletters with other professional pharmacy organizations; maintain the History section within the Transplant PRN website

Workforce Committee: Collect detailed demographic information from PRN membership and analyze this data to help determine ongoing needs for the PRN; work with Transplant PRN Chair to execute 5-year plan to ensure evolving needs of the PRN are met; conduct membership engagement survey to ensure PRN 5-year plan is servicing member needs; create FTE expansion toolkit

Programming Committee: Assess needs for educational content; maintain regular scheduled webinars to address needs and interests of the Transplant PRN membership; develop programming proposal for the Transplant PRN Focus Session at the ACCP Annual meeting

Fundraising Committee: Assess needs of the PRN regarding financial opportunities for growth; determine fundraising opportunities within the PRN membership

Social Media Committee: Identify and develop new outreach opportunities utilizing social media and other forms of communication; increase content and enhance member awareness and utilization of the Transplant PRN social media pages

Podcast Committee: Lead the development of the mTOR You Know podcast; work closely with programming committee regarding needs for educational content; schedule regular release of podcast; assess interests of the PRN community

New Practitioner Council (must be within 3 years of residency): Enhance student/resident/new practitioner involvement; work with the Programming Committee to schedule webinars directed to students and residents; establish and maintain IMTR PRN Mentorship Program; plan networking activities for professional meetings

If you have a question regarding solid organ transplant pharmacy or a question about our PRN, please contact us. You can also follow us on our social media platforms.

Instagram: @txp_prn

Twitter/X: @TxpPRN

Facebook: @ACCP Transplant PRN


  • Apply for one of our annual abstract awards
  • Attend our PRN Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting
  • Participate in one of our subcommittees
  • Attend our monthly educational webinars
  • Listen to one of our podcasts
  • Follow us on social media for our manuscript Mondays, meme Wednesdays, and other great content
Total Members: 470
Student Members: 64
Resident Members: 41
Fellow Members: 2

Women's Health

The Women's Health PRN has about 250 members who are involved in women's health in a variety of capacities. We have clinicians, educators, and advocates in our PRN. Most clinical areas, including contraception, post-menopausal care, the care of pregnant patients, issues related to fertility, research in women, and developing and teaching women's health topics to students and practitioners are covered by our varied membership. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to help pharmacy students discover more about women's health, clinical practice and research. We welcome the involvement of students and residents at our meetings and in our committees.

PRN Committees – (Students, residents, and fellows welcome)

Communications Committee: Monitor the Women’s Health Community activity (make sure people compile a list of responses received and post for all); Publish PRN newsletter 2 times/year (can recruit other members and students/residents to help).

Student/Resident Activity: Identify and develop projects/initiatives to increase student/resident enrollment and activity in PRN. Host an annual virtual panel with pharmacists who practice in area of women’s health to learn more about career paths involving women’s health. Create and maintain PRN social media outlets with guideline updates and publications of interest to PRN membership. Coordinate and participate in quarterly journal clubs. Help plan member social events at the Annual Meeting.

Advocacy & Scholarship Committee: Draft PRN opinion papers; Collaborate on research and or review papers; Develop clinical resources; Inform other providers and consumers about the role of pharmacists in women's health.

Nominations Committee: Nominate PRN members for national ACCP awards, ACCP fellow, and Women’s Health PRN Vital Contributions award.

Programming Committee: Develop programming for the Women's Health PRN Focus Session at the ACCP Annual Meeting; Develop networking/educational session at PRN business meeting.

Awards Committee: Advertise and select student/resident travel award recipient(s) (student members exempt from this activity). Advertise and select members for Women’s Health PRN Vital Contributions Award. Advertise and select member(s) for Women’s Health PRN Practice Grant.


If you have a question regarding women's health or a question about our PRN, please do not hesitate to contact us.