There is still time to earn recertification credit before the end of the year. ACCP registers recertification credits with the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) as of the date of test submission. Therefore, any posttests successfully submitted before midnight (CST) on December 31 will earn 2022 credits.
Several ACCP products are currently available for board specialty recertification credit, many of which will still be available well into 2023. Posttests successfully submitted after January 1, 2023, will earn 2023 credits. Content and available recertification credit hours for selected current ACCP releases are as follows.
PSAP 2022 Book 3 (Behavioral Health) focuses on providing crucial updates on the management of common mental health disorders in addition to interactive cases on important specialty topics. This book contains three learning modules offering up to 16.0 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is March 15, 2023. |
The 2022 Updates in Therapeutics®: Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the pharmacotherapy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains six modules offering up to 26.25 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 18, 2023. |
The Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy 2022 Home Study Edition includes two activities. Part One: Updates in Management of Atrial Fibrillation explores the evolution of clinical evidence for rate versus rhythm control in the treatment of atrial fibrillation, patient characteristics that support early rhythm-control therapy, the evolution of the definition of valvular atrial fibrillation, and evidence-based treatment regimens for patients with valvular atrial fibrillation. Part Two: Considerations for Anticoagulation in Unique Populations and Scenarios focuses on the role of anticoagulants in niche patient populations as well as safety considerations and risk mitigation strategies with anticoagulant agents and includes practice guideline recommendations regarding the prophylaxis and treatment of left ventricular thrombosis. The series offers up to 6.0 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is November 9, 2023. |
The September and December 2022 issues of JACCP include PSAP in JACCP features. The September feature consists of Part I: Interactive Case: Hyperlipidemia Management for Special Populations and Part II: Interactive Case: Cardiovascular Diseases in Pregnancy. This feature offers up to 3.0 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is March 8, 2023. The December feature consists of Part I: Interactive Case: Management of Urgent Drug Shortages and Part II: Interactive Case: Toxicology and Poison Control. This feature offers up to 3.0 BCPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is June 8, 2023. Purchase of each feature includes both parts. Part I (1.5 credits), Part II (1.5 credits), or both posttests can be submitted for credit. |
Ambulatory Care Pharmacy*
ACSAP 2022 Book 2 (Infectious Diseases in Ambulatory Care) presents evidence-based updates on treating patients with various infectious diseases. This book contains four learning modules offering up to 16.0 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is January 17, 2023. |
ACSAP 2022 Book 3 (Neurologic Care and Pain Management) presents evidence-based updates on treating patients with a variety of conditions related to neurology, pain, and substance use disorders. This book contains four learning modules offering up to 16.0 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 15, 2023. |
The 2022 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the ambulatory care pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains 19 modules offering up to 24.5 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is April 11, 2023. |
The 2022 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study provides immediate access to peer-selected, contemporary articles relevant to ambulatory care pharmacy practice. The literature study contains two modules: Module 1A: Updates in Heart Failure and Module 1B: Challenges in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy. This product offers up to 8.0 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 17, 2023. |
The 2022 ACCP/ASHP BCACP Clinical Sessions explore cutting-edge, contemporary therapeutic topics and demonstrate scientifically sound clinical reasoning and decision-making. Each presentation focuses on a highly relevant ambulatory care pharmacy topic for use in day-to-day practice. Topics include antimicrobial stewardship, management of sleep concerns in older adults, pharmacologic therapies in HFpEF, and management of Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. This product contains four modules offering up to 6.0 BCACP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is December 12, 2023. |
Cardiology Pharmacy*
CardSAP 2022 Book 2 (Special Populations) provides evidence-based updates for pharmacists caring for cardiology patients within a defined population as well as cardiology patients subject to special circumstances. This book contains three modules offering up to 13.0 BCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 15, 2023. |
The 2022 Cardiology Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the cardiology pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains 16 modules offering up to 23.75 BCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is June 22, 2023. |
The 2022 Cardiology Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Literature Study provides immediate access to peer-selected, contemporary articles relevant to cardiology pharmacy practice. The literature study contains two modules: Module 1A: Updates in Heart Failure and Module 1B: Updates in Antiplatelets, Cardiomyopathy, and Cardiogenic Shock. This product offers up to 8.0 BCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 17, 2023. |
Critical Care Pharmacy
CCSAP 2022 Book 2 (Infectious Diseases in the Intensive Care Unit) provides evidence-based updates and best practice insights for pharmacists caring for patients with commonly encountered infections in the ICU. This book contains four modules offering up to 18.0 BCCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is March 15, 2023. |
The 2022 Updates in Therapeutics®: Critical Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the critical care pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains five modules offering up to 21.25 BCCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 18, 2023. |
The Clinical Reasoning Series in Critical Care Pharmacy 2022 Home Study Edition includes two activities. Part One: Endocrine Resuscitation in Septic Shock explores the role of the endocrine system in the pathogenesis of sepsis, hormone supplementation as a therapeutic invention, and catecholamine-sparing hemodynamic management strategies. Part Two: Alternative Therapeutics for Septic Shock includes an overview of the immunology of sepsis, therapeutics to mitigate inflammation, and novel agents for the treatment of sepsis. The series offers up to 6.0 BCCCP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is November 9, 2023. |
Geriatric Pharmacy*
The 2022 Geriatric Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the geriatric pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains 12 modules offering up to 23.0 BCGP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is April 11, 2023. |
The 2022 Geriatric Pharmacy Specialty Selected Readings: Management of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Nutrition in Older Adults reviews pertinent topics and practice of required skills and provides references to helpful study resources on recent guidelines and current approaches to managing CNS disorders in older adults. This activity offers up to 3.0 BCGP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 17, 2023. |
The 2022 ACCP/ASHP BCGP Clinical Sessions explore cutting-edge, contemporary therapeutic topics and demonstrate scientifically sound clinical reasoning and decision-making. Each presentation focuses on a highly relevant geriatric pharmacy care topic for use in day-to-day practice. Topics include minimizing fall risk, managing sleep concerns, using pharmacologic therapies in HFpEF, and managing Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. This product contains four modules offering up to 5.0 BCGP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is December 12, 2023. |
Infectious Diseases Pharmacy*
IDSAP 2022 Book 2 (Infections in Critically Ill Patients) focuses on evidence-based strategies for treating critically ill patients with infections, covering a variety of topics ranging from antimicrobial stewardship to management of sepsis to pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics. This book contains four modules offering up to 16.0 BCIDP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 15, 2023. |
The 2022 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the infectious diseases pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains 15 modules offering up to 25.0 BCIDP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is June 22, 2023. |
Oncology Pharmacy*
The 2022 Oncology Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the oncology pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains 20 modules offering up to 25.75 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is April 11, 2023. |
The 2022 Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Home Study Syllabus for Recertification, Volume 2 is a collection of journal articles that focus on advances across the four domains of oncology pharmacy specialty practice. Topics in this volume include lymphoma, acute leukemia, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, cancer-related infectious diseases, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. This volume contains two modules offering up to 8.0 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is March 14, 2023. |
The BCOP Webinar Series: A Review of Oral Hypomethylating Agents in MDS and AML covers use of oral hypomethylating agents in case-based examples, decitabine/cedazuridine use for myelodysplastic syndrome, oral azacitidine use for acute myeloid leukemia, dosing and administration for these agents, and related ongoing or upcoming clinical trials. This webinar offers up to 1.5 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is May 9, 2023. |
The BCOP Webinar Series: New Drugs, Publications, Indications, and Guideline Updates in Hematology/Oncology covers key updates in hematology/oncology from 2022, including new drug approvals, new indications, withdrawal of indications, new clinical trials, and updates to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for several cancer types. This webinar offers up to 1.5 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is October 12, 2023. |
The 2022 ACCP/ASHP BCOP Clinical Sessions explore cutting-edge, contemporary therapeutic topics and demonstrate scientifically sound clinical reasoning and decision-making. Each presentation focuses on a different oncology pharmacy topic that is highly relevant for day-to-day practice. The first presentation focuses on the use of circulating tumor DNA and minimal residual disease to assess anticancer therapeutic response in cancer, and the second focuses on background and treatment updates in immune thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. This product contains two modules offering up to 4.0 BCOP recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is December 14, 2023. |
Pediatric Pharmacy
PedSAP 2022 Book 2 (Preventive Care, Public Health, and Preceptorship) presents timely, evidence-based updates for using PrEP therapies, treating vaccine-preventable illnesses, addressing mass vaccination programs, and confronting associated misinformation. The book also addresses areas in which pharmacists are involved beyond clinical practice, which may or may not be covered adequately in training yet are still required aspects of the profession. These include precepting, practitioner wellness, and development of antimicrobial and opioid stewardship and medication safety programs. This book contains four modules offering up to 19.0 BCPPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is March 15, 2023. |
The 2022 Updates in Therapeutics®: Pediatric Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course provides a comprehensive review of the knowledge domains covered in the pediatric pharmacy specialty certification examination. This course can only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. The 2022 course contains six modules offering up to 25.25 BCPPS recertification credits. The recertification test deadline is December 8, 2023. |
The Clinical Reasoning Series in Pediatric Pharmacy, 2022 Home Study Edition consists of two parts. Part One: Pediatric Heart Failure: Recent Updates and Future Directions provides an overview of the most current guidelines for treating pediatric heart failure as well as a review of new and upcoming novel agents for this disease state. Part Two: Updates in Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury provides an overview of the most current guidelines for treating traumatic brain injury. This series offers up to 6.0 hours of BCPPS recertification credit. The recertification test deadline is November 9, 2023. |
For statements of recertification credit, visit Questions regarding the hours required for recertification by continuing education should be directed to BPS.
The ACCP Recertification Dashboard is a free online tool that can track members’ recertification credits earned through ACCP as well as any upcoming products with credit availability. For more information on ACCP publications, visit
*ACCP collaborates with ASHP on ambulatory care pharmacy, cardiology pharmacy, geriatric pharmacy, infectious diseases pharmacy, and oncology pharmacy activities.