As outlined in ACCP’s Strategic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Plan, 14 members were appointed to ACCP’s 2023 Task Force on DEIA and charged to provide input to the Board of Regents (BOR) on its implementation.
The full Task Force met five times between October 2022 and July 2023 and was organized into three subgroups, each with a distinct focus: (1) mentoring and belonging, (2) developing a DEIA toolkit, and (3) ACCP Awards. Each subgroup held several meetings and brought recommendations to the full Task Force for consideration. The Task Force used the findings from the ACCP Interim DEIA Assessment to inform their work.
Task Force recommendations were included in reports prepared for the BOR in January, May, and August 2023. Each recommendation included a specific request for the BOR to provide guidance, feedback, or formal approval. The BOR reviewed and discussed each request, provided feedback, and voted on any approvals requested. Feedback was provided on any request that was not approved. Once approved, implementation of Task Force recommendations is accomplished through a combination of staff and member efforts.
A comprehensive summary of 2023 Task Force recommendations to the BOR is included below, together with the approval and implementation status of each.
Task Force Recommendation
Revise Task Force name from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)
Approved; name changed to Task Force on DEIA (aka “DEIA Task Force)
Approve a formal collaboration between the 2023 DEIA Task Force and the 2023 Awards Committee
Deferred; given the timing of the request (January) and the heavy workload of the Awards Committee, informal information gathering is recommended in 2023 with more formal collaboration in 2024
Approve ACCP DEIA Clinical Pharmacist Resource Guide/Toolkit contents and development
Approved; implementation underway and to be launched before the 2023 Annual Meeting
Approve the development and implementation of an ACCP DEIA Task Force email for receipt of member feedback related to DEIA
Approved; to be implemented in conjunction with the DEIA Toolkit
Consider endorsement of the PharmGradWishList
Deferred; the BOR supports individual member participation in this effort but does not yet have comprehensive information about the structure and processes of this organization. At the time of consideration, ACCP did not yet meet the eligibility criteria for an endorsing organization, and no other organizations were yet listed as endorsing
Approve global goal to establish a framework for affinity groups/spaces within ACCP to be implemented by the 2024 DEIA Task Force
Approved; will be included in charges for the 2024 DEIA Task Force
Approve the recommendation that ACCP Academy directors integrate DEIA content into their respective ACCP Academy curricula within the next 2 years
Approved; Academy directors informed and provided with some recommendations/guidance in June 2023
Approve the implementation of five DEIA Travel Scholarships to cover ACCP Annual Meeting registration, and provide a $1000 travel stipend for early-career members from underrepresented groups
Approved; to be implemented in 2024
Each awardee will be paired with a mentor from the DEIA Task Force
Approve edits to strengthen DEIA recognition and support within the annual attestation of the ACCP Code of Conduct
Referred to legal counsel
Approve title, scope, eligibility, and implementation timeline for a new DEIA award
Approved the Excellence in Diversity, Health Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Advancement Award. Award criteria and rubric are under development to be implemented in 2024 and awarded in 2025
Review and approve DEIA Phase II Action Plan recommendations for implementation in upcoming strategic planning and future committee/Task Force charges
Approved; the final 2023 DEIA plan will be released in fall 2023
2022–2023 Task Force on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility members:
- Jimmi Hatton Kolpek, Pharm.D., FCCP, FCCM (chair)
- William J. Moore, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP (vice chair)
- Sally Arif, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCP
- Brittany D. Bissell, Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCCCP
- Deborah S. Bondi, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPPS
- Allison M. Chung, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPPS
- Jenna F. Cox, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCCP
- Maryann Egbujor, Pharm.D. student
- Mary F. Hebert, Pharm.D., FCCP
- Rebecca Jayakumar, Pharm.D., BCIDP
- Kazuhiko Kido, Pharm.D., BCCP, BCPS
- Puja B. Patel, Pharm.D.
- Jordan Rowe, Pharm.D., BCACP, BC-ADM
- Andrew N. Schmelz, Pharm.D., BCACP