American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Travel Awards Given for 2024 Annual Meeting

One of the best ways for students and postgraduate trainees to experience organized clinical pharmacy in action is to participate in an ACCP national meeting.

This fall, 29 students and postgraduate trainees had the opportunity to do just that for the 2024 Annual Meeting. Congratulations to the following individuals who were offered 2024 ACCP Annual Meeting Travel Awards:

Resident/Fellow Travel Award Winners

Sarah Ayers

Lindy Burnam

Chidi Ekwueme

David Foote

Katelyn Harris

Johny Nguyen

Elizabeth Riley-Jensen

Logan Smith

Ashton Strother

Kelly Thomas

Olga Trejos Kweyete

Adriana Vargus

Soomin Woo


Student Travel Award Winners

Emma Alexander

Madeline Allen

Jessica Allred

Karina Babina

Maryam Beirami

Kayla Bey

Maeghan Biche

Kiri Carmody

Andrew Fritz

Jacob Govel

Gaith Hajeh

Deanna Laughlin

Ching Nung “Selina” Lin

Rachel Massey

Kayla Nguyen

Christian Palumbo

Travel awards encourage student and postgraduate trainee attendance at ACCP meetings and promote future involvement in the College. Information about the next cycle of travel awards will be available on the ACCP website next June. To qualify for a travel award, applicants must be (1) a current resident, fellow, or postgraduate trainee member of ACCP; or (2) a current student member pursuing their first professional degree who has completed at least 1 academic year in their professional pharmacy program. Applicants are required to submit an essay, a CV, and letter(s) of recommendation from faculty members and/or preceptors.