American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Releases New Series of Self-Assessment Programs

The 2025 releases of ACCP’s 7 Self-Assessment Programs (SAPs) are now available in the ACCP Bookstore. Improvements for this new series include a 12-month testing window for most SAPs; the ability to take single chapters and features for credit; and a way to “design your own series” to match your recertification cycle.

The flagship Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program (PSAP) will continue to have 3 releases per year (January, May, September). As in previous series, the first release (January 15, 2025) will be PSAP 2025 Book 1 (Cardiology). The deadline to submit a PSAP posttest for BCPS recertification credit will continue to be 6 months from the release date.

The other 6 programs, including the new Solid Organ Transplantation Self-Assessment Program (SOTSAP), will move to a once-per-year release. The recertification credit deadline for these releases will be 12 months from the release date. The 2025 releases will include the following: Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program, March 17; Critical Care Self-Assessment Program, March 17; Infectious Diseases Self-Assessment Program, May 15; Pediatric Self-Assessment Program, July 15; Cardiology Self-Assessment Program, November 17; and SOTSAP, November 17.

All the 2025 SAP releases, including PSAP, will feature testing by individual book elements. All posttests will also offer a second-chance option when the first submission scores do not reach the prospectively set passing point for credit.

Multi-book discounts will allow recertifying pharmacists to design their own series to match their individual recertification cycles. Releases in any of the 7 programs can be combined to get the multi-book discount. Shop the ACCP Bookstore now to design a plan that meets your continuing education needs.

ACCP’s self-assessment programs are home study series that provide clinical pharmacists with pertinent therapeutic updates to enhance their practice skills and improve patient outcomes. All programs have been approved by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties as a professional development activity for board recertification.