All nomination materials, including letters, curricula vitae or resumes, and other supporting documents, can be submitted online to ACCP. For all awards, honors, and officer/board positions, the College strongly urges the nomination of qualified individuals who identify as members of underrepresented groups in ACCP. The online nominations portal specifies the nominating materials required for each award, honor, and elective office. This portal is available at
Due February 1, 2025 – Nominees’ supporting documents must be uploaded in the nominations portal for the fall 2025 awards (Robert M. Elenbaas Service, C. Edwin Webb Professional Advocacy, Russell R. Miller, Clinical Practice, Education, and Excellence in DEIA) and the 2026 elected offices.
Due February 15, 2025 – Nominations and supporting documents for the 2025 Parker Medal; nominations for the 2026 Therapeutic Frontiers Lecture Award, the 2025 “new” awards (New Investigator, New Clinical Practitioner, and New Educator), and the 2025 ACCP Fellows (FCCPs)
Due April 1, 2025 – Nominees’ supporting documents must be uploaded in the nominations portal for the 2025 “new” awards (New Investigator, New Clinical Practitioner, and New Educator) and the 2026 Therapeutic Frontiers Lecture Award.
2025 ACCP Fellows: Fellowship is awarded in recognition of continued excellence in clinical pharmacy practice or research. Nominees must have been Full Members of ACCP for at least 5 years, must have been in practice for at least 10 years since receipt of their highest professional pharmacy degree, and must have made a sustained contribution to ACCP through activities such as presentation at College meetings; service to ACCP committees, PRNs, chapters, or publications; or election as an officer. Candidates must be nominated by any two Full Members other than the nominee, by any Fellow, or by any member of the Board of Regents. Current members of the Board of Regents, Foundation Board of Trustees, Pharmacotherapy Publications (PPI) Board of Directors, Credentials: Fellowship Committee, or ACCP staff are ineligible for consideration. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2025.
2025 Paul F. Parker Medal for Distinguished Service to the Profession of Pharmacy: Recognizes an individual who has made outstanding and sustained contributions to improving or expanding the profession of pharmacy in an area of professional service – including, but not limited to, patient care, leadership, administration, finance, technology, information processing, service delivery, models of care, and advocacy. The award is not limited to pharmacists or ACCP members. Nominations must consist of a letter detailing the nominee’s qualifications for this award and his or her contributions to the profession of pharmacy; the nominee’s curriculum vitae, resume, or biographical sketch as available; and a minimum of three letters of recommendation. At least one of these letters must be from an individual outside the nominee’s current practice locale. Current members of the Board of Regents, Foundation Board of Trustees, PPI Board of Directors, Parker Medal Selection Committee, or ACCP staff are ineligible. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2025, including supporting documents.
2026 Therapeutic Frontiers Lecture Award: Honors an internationally recognized scientist whose research is actively advancing the frontiers of pharmacotherapy. The recipient of this award is not required to be an ACCP member. Nominations must include a letter of nomination from an ACCP member to the chair of the Awards Committee detailing the nominee’s qualifications for this award and his or her sustained contributions to pharmacotherapy, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and a minimum of two letters of recommendation from other ACCP members. At least one of these letters must be from an individual outside the nominee’s current institute of practice. Self-nominations are not permitted. Current members of the Board of Regents, Foundation Board of Trustees, PPI Board of Directors, Awards Committee, or ACCP staff are ineligible. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2025. Supporting documents are due April 1, 2025, as noted above.
2025 New Investigator Award: This award highlights the research program of an ACCP member who has made a major impact on an aspect of clinical pharmaceutical science. Nominees must have been a Full Member of ACCP at the time of nomination and a member at any level for at least 3 years; they must have a research program with a significant publication record having a programmatic theme or an especially noteworthy single publication; and it must have been within 6 years since completion of their terminal professional pharmacy training or degree, whichever is most recent. If an individual pursues an additional degree beyond his or her professional pharmacy degree or training (i.e., Ph.D.), this additional degree will not be considered a terminal degree, and the 6-year time interval will extend from completion of the terminal pharmacy training or degree. Nominations will consist of a letter from an ACCP member to the chair of the Awards Committee detailing the nominee’s qualifications for this award and the significance/impact of his or her research program, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and a minimum of two letters of recommendation from other ACCP members. At least one of these letters must be from an individual outside the nominee’s current institute of practice. Self-nominations are not permitted. Current members of the Board of Regents, Foundation Board of Trustees, PPI Board of Directors, Awards Committee, or ACCP staff are ineligible. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2025. Supporting documents are due April 1, 2025, as noted above.
2025 New Clinical Practitioner Award: This award recognizes a new clinical practitioner who has made outstanding contributions to the health of patients and/or the practice of clinical pharmacy. Nominees must have been Full Members of ACCP at the time of nomination and members at any level for at least 3 years. In addition, nominees must have completed their terminal professional pharmacy training or degree (whichever is most recent) within 6 years from the time of selection by the Board of Regents. If an individual pursues an additional degree beyond his or her professional pharmacy degree or training (i.e., Ph.D.), this additional degree will not be considered a terminal degree, and the 6-year time interval will extend from completion of the terminal pharmacy training or degree. Fellows of ACCP (i.e., “FCCPs”) are ineligible. Nominations will consist of a letter from an ACCP member to the chair of the Awards Committee detailing the nominee’s qualifications for this award and the significance/impact of his or her clinical contributions, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and a minimum of two letters of recommendation from other ACCP members. At least one of these letters must be from an individual outside the nominee’s current institute of practice. Self-nominations are not permitted. Current members of the Board of Regents, Foundation Board of Trustees, PPI Board of Directors, Awards Committee, or ACCP staff are ineligible. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2025. Supporting documents are due April 1, 2025, as noted above.
2025 New Educator Award: This award recognizes and honors a new educator for outstanding contributions to the discipline of teaching and to the education of health care practitioners. Nominees must have been Full Members of ACCP at the time of nomination and members at any level for at least 3 years. In addition, nominees must have completed their terminal professional pharmacy training or degree (whichever is most recent) within 6 years from the time of selection by the Board of Regents. If an individual pursues an additional degree beyond his or her professional pharmacy degree or training (i.e., Ph.D.), this additional degree will not be considered a terminal degree, and the 6-year time interval will extend from completion of the terminal pharmacy training or degree. Fellows of ACCP (i.e., “FCCPs”) are ineligible. Nominations will consist of a letter from an ACCP member to the chair of the Awards Committee detailing the nominee’s qualifications for this award and the significance/impact of his or her clinical contributions, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and a minimum of two letters of recommendation from other ACCP members. At least one of these letters must be from an individual outside the nominee’s current institute of practice. Self-nominations are not permitted. Current members of the Board of Regents, Foundation Board of Trustees, PPI Board of Directors, Awards Committee, or ACCP staff are ineligible. Nomination deadline: February 15, 2025. Supporting documents are due April 1, 2025, as noted above.