American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

ACCP Foundation and PPI Merge

“The College,” composed of 3 interrelated organizations for the past 30 years, has undergone a structural change. Until recently, ACCP, a 501c6 membership organization, was complemented by two affiliated 501c3 organizations: the ACCP Foundation and Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc (PPI). As depicted in the accompanying figure, the missions of each entity were unique, yet all 3 organizations contributed to the common mission of improving human health.

Figure. The Complementary Missions of the College’s Entities Pre- and Post-merger of the ACCP Foundation and Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc.

In mid-2024, the ACCP Foundation Board of Trustees (BOT) and the PPI Board of Directors (BOD) considered merging their respective 501c3 corporations. Separate board meetings were held where both the ACCP Foundation BOT and the PPI BOD approved plans for merging the ACCP Foundation with PPI and renaming it the ACCP Foundation, Ltd. The transitional board of directors maintains proportionate representation from the Foundation and PPI. Former PPI Board Chair James Tisdale will now serve as chair of the merged entity, and staff support will be led by Foundation Director Keri Sims, in collaboration with ACCP Associate Executive Director Sheldon Holstad. In addressing the rationale for the merger, Tisdale commented,

Merging the two organizations provides opportunities to unite our respective expertise, eliminate administrative redundancies, and increase the impact of strategic initiatives. It also establishes a more robust organization with increased capabilities that extend beyond those of either entity alone. Consolidation of the boards creates a natural synergy by leveraging our collective perspectives, experience, and resources that we believe will position us to support and disseminate more transformative research, scholarship, and practice.

The new ACCP Foundation, Ltd will focus on generating support for pharmacotherapeutic and clinical pharmacy research, scholarship, and practice advancement; and disseminating top tier scholarship through ACCP’s official journals, Pharmacotherapy and the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (JACCP).

Gifts to the ACCP Foundation, Ltd can be made to support pharmacotherapeutic and practice-based research, practice advancement/transformation, or dissemination of research/scholarship. Contributions may be mailed, made directly online, given as a donation of an ACCP honorarium, granted through employer matching gift programs, incorporated into estate planning, or made as a qualified charitable distribution from an individual retirement account or charitable trust. Please contact Keri Sims ([email protected]) for more information.