American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

FCCP Nominations Due February 15

Are you planning to nominate a colleague for Fellowship in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (FCCP)? Fellowship in ACCP recognizes excellence in the practice and science of clinical pharmacy and is awarded to individuals who have made sustained contributions to the College and demonstrated exceptional performance in clinical pharmacy practice and/or research.

To be considered for Fellowship, candidates must be nominated by any of the following: 2 full members of ACCP, 1 Fellow of ACCP, or a member of the Board of Regents. Separate letters of recommendation are not required or considered in the evaluation process. Nominees for FCCP must (1) be Full Members of ACCP for at least 5 years, (2) have been in practice for at least 10 years since receipt of their highest professional pharmacy degree (Pharm.D. or BS), and (3) have made sustained contributions to ACCP.

Once the nomination period closes, eligible nominees receive email notification of their nomination and are asked to submit the necessary application materials to be considered for recognition as a Fellow. Completed applications are reviewed by the Credentials: Fellowship Committee and subsequently submitted to the ACCP Board of Regents for approval.

After nomination by their colleagues, Fellow candidates undergo a comprehensive evaluation of their service to the College and their practice and research accomplishments. Persons nominated as a Fellow must have made a substantial contribution to ACCP through activities such as presentations at College-sponsored meetings; service as a reviewer for ACCP, Pharmacotherapy/JACCP, or the ACCP Foundation; contributions to College publications; service as a committee member; or contributions as a Practice and Research Network chair, chapter officer, or elected ACCP officer or regent. Practice and research criteria evaluated by the committee include examples of patient care service or educational programs developed by the nominee; certifications or other credentials earned; drug therapy management responsibilities; educational presentations; consultantships; service to publications; original research presentations, projects, funding, and publications; and other professional activities and awards.

Newly elected Fellows are inducted during the College’s Annual Meeting and recognized at the Annual Fellows Dinner. Fellows may be recognized by the initials “FCCP” as part of their title as long as they are ACCP members in good standing.

Nominations for FCCP are submitted online at The deadline for submission of nominations for 2025 Fellowship is February 15. For more information about nominating or becoming a Fellow of ACCP, email [email protected].