American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Update Your ACCP Member Profile Online

Have you recently graduated from pharmacy school? Or perhaps you’ve just completed your residency or fellowship training and begun a new job. Or maybe you’ve recently changed positions. Whatever your situation, it is possible that this change will also necessitate a new mailing address, phone number, and/or e-mail address. Now is an ideal time to take a minute to update your ACCP member profile.

Keeping your member profile updated maximizes your ACCP membership experience and enables you to continue receiving important member services, including access to electronic PRN e-mail lists and the Online CE Center, your monthly issue of Pharmacotherapy, information about ACCP national meetings, notifications about important legislation affecting clinical pharmacy, and much more. Keeping your member profile current also enhances your networking ability by enabling other members to identify you in the ACCP Membership Directory based on name, company, state/province, country, practice/research interest area, and PRN membership.

Updating your member profile is fast and easy. Simply sign in to the ACCP Web site and click on My Profile on the left. Updating your profile also provides an excellent opportunity to determine whether it’s time to renew your ACCP membership. Verify the term of your current membership by viewing the My Account page. If you owe membership dues, you will see a notification under My Announcements with a link you can click on to renew your dues. If you don’t know your ACCP sign-in information, use the password reminder system, or contact us at [email protected] or (913) 492-3311.