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Nutrition support therapy in critically ill patients is a dynamic and evolving area of practice. Best practices for selection and appropriate management of these therapies continues to advance, and it is important for the critical care pharmacist to keep abreast of developments. Nutrition and Fluids, the latest release in the Critical Care Self-Assessment Program (CCSAP), provides evidence-based updates and best practice insights for pharmacists caring for patients with these challenging scenarios and for advancing critical care pharmacy practice.
The target audience for Nutrition and Fluids is not limited to ICU and ED pharmacists across the spectrum of care but also includes any pharmacist involved in fluid and nutrition management, medication safety and technology use, and pharmacy leadership.
Nutrition and Fluids has five modules offering a total of 18.0 available continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. The book was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair Sarah V. Cogle, Pharm.D., BCCCP, BCNSP.
Chapters in the first module provide current guidance that incorporates contemporary literature related to nutrition support and parenteral nutrition. The second module explores current nutrition support management in surgical and complex critically ill patients. Content in the third module provides best practices for enteral nutrition, medication administration via enteral tubes, and management of micronutrient deficiencies. The fourth module focuses on the use of parenteral nutrition safety and transitions of care. The final module is a feature that discusses the use of probiotics and stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients.
Each CCSAP release has continuing education activities that cover the most recent published data (past 3–5 years) on a specific therapeutic area or patient-care problem. This content is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates designed, as appropriate to the topic, in three formats:
- Traditional review-style chapters
- Case series (major sections of learning content bookended by a sample case and its explained answer)
- Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)
CCSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every pur
Release Date: September 16, 2024
BCCCP Deadline: March 17, 2025ACPE Deadline: September 16, 2027
ISBN: 978-1-952291-83-8
Publication Year: 2024
Format: PDF and ePub
Number of Pages: 232