American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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The 340B Drug Pricing Program: Leveraging to Build Clinical Pharmacy Services

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This accredited continuing pharmacy education activity is designed to help pharmacists develop the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the 340B Drug Pricing Program which requires manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations at discounted prices. This allows these organizations, also referred to as covered entities, to generate savings through reduced medication expenses and invest in programs that expand and enhance health services for patients and community members. These savings can be used to lower medication costs for patients; however, they also can be used to support patient care services that may not be otherwise be financially sustainable.  This session will provide foundational knowledge of the 340B Drug Pricing Program and then dive into two examples of how clinical pharmacy services were developed and sustained using 340B Program revenue.

Note of disclaimer: This program activity is also a part of the CMM Academy core or elective programming. If you are already a part of that Academy, purchasing this product would result in duplicate access to this program. 

Release Date: November 15, 2024
ACPE Deadline: June 17, 2027

Format: Recorded Lecture


The 340B Drug Pricing Program: Leveraging to Build Clinical Pharmacy Services

The 340B Drug Pricing Program: Leveraging to Build Clinical Pharmacy Services


Adriane Irwin, Pharm.D., BCACP, CDE

Chair, Department of Pharmacy
Oregon State University/Oregon Health and Science University College of Pharmacy
Corvallis, Oregon 

Andrew J. Sowles, Pharm.D., BCACP, BCPS, BC-ADM

Manager, Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacy Services
Salem Health
Salem, Oregon

Stacy Ramirez, Pharm.D.

Director of Pharmacy
CHC of Benton and Linn Counties
Corvallis, Oregon

CPE Credit

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

Target Audience: Pharmacists interested in learning more about Comprehensive Medication Management


Activity Number: 0217-0000-24-163-H04-P
Contact Hour(s): 1.50
Learning Objectives
  1. State the underlying intent of the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
  2. Explain how the 340B Program generates savings for covered entities. 
  3. Identify examples of how 340B Program revenue can be used to expand and enhance health services for patients.  
  4. Apply 340B funding requirements to a not-for-profit health system setting and federally qualified health center. 
  5. Examine how 340B Program revenue was leveraged to establish and/or expand clinical pharmacy services in a not-for-profit health system and in federally qualified health center.
  6.  Analyze challenges and opportunities from building clinical pharmacy services using 340B Program revenue.

Commercial Support

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy does not solicit or accept external commercial/financial support for its continuing pharmacy education activities. No commercial/financial support has been solicited or accepted for this activity.