American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP)


ACCP’s Self-Assessment Programs are home study series that provide clinical pharmacists with pertinent therapeutic updates to enhance their practice skills and improve patient outcomes.

BCPPS Credit

PedSAP has been approved by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) as a professional development activity for Board Certified Pediatric Pharmacy Specialist (BCPPS) recertification. The PedSAP releases are designed to provide, over 3 years, a minimum of 100 hours of credit availability toward BCPPS recertification.

For other types of board certified specialty recertification credits from ACCP Self-Assessment Programs, click below.

Critical Care Self-Assessment Program (CCSAP)

Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program (PSAP)

The Pediatric Pharmacy Self-Assessment Program provides two releases per year (March, and September). The content of these releases will assist the pharmacist in analyzing the latest evidence-based information and in translating that information into patient care to improve outcomes.

Each PedSAP release has continuing education activities that cover the most recent published data (past 3–5 years) on a specific therapeutic area or patient-care problem. This content is provided as an electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

Pharmacists can use PedSAP to develop and assess their knowledge in the science and application of pharmacotherapy. This information can be integrated into structured training programs or assist advanced-level practitioners in maintaining their clinical competence.

The PedSAP Series Editors design each year’s releases by drawing from the domains, tasks, and knowledge statements in the BPS Pediatric Pharmacy Certification Content Outline/Classification System. These two program leaders are:

Bernard R. Lee, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS
Series Editor Bernard R. Lee, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS, Clinical Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Mease Countryside Hospital, BayCare Health System, Safety Harbor, Florida.

Kirsten H. Ohler, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS
Series Editor Kirsten H. Ohler, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS, Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice; Program Director, PGY1 Pharmacy Residency; Clinical Pharmacist, NICU/Pediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System, Chicago, Illinois.


Working with a Faculty Panel Chair (guest editor), the Series Editors refine the list of chapters and features so that only the most relevant topics are updated in each release. Members of the faculty panel collaborate on the content outline for each chapter and feature, ensuring a complete review of published evidence on that clinical topic. Generalist BCPPS reviewers join the editorial process to enhance the material’s appropriateness for the recertifying audience. The result is an evidence-based update that can be used to self-assess clinical skills and improve patient outcomes.

Each PedSAP release is an online book made up of peer-reviewed chapters and electronic features covering a specific therapeutic area. Feature formats (either the interactive case or the recorded webcast) will vary by topic to provide the best method of relating information to clinical practice.

Review-style chapters include:

  • In-text references to the latest published data
  • Full-color photographs, illustrations, and graphics
  • Hyperlinks to assessment tools, online resources, and the latest guidelines
  • Patient Care Scenarios (practice application exercises)
  • Practice Points (the take-home messages)

Interactive cases include:

  • In-text references to the latest published data
  • Illustrations and graphics
  • Hyperlinks to assessment tools, online resources, and the latest guidelines
  • Case-based examples that lead to detailed feedback
  • Practice Points (the take-home messages)

Recorded webcasts include:

  • PowerPoint slides with recorded narrative
  • On-slide references to the latest published data
  • Photographs, illustrations, and graphics
  • Hyperlinks to assessment tools, online resources, and the latest guidelines
  • Patient Care Scenarios (practice application exercises)
  • Practice Points (the take-home messages)

Self-Assessment Questions are found at the end of each chapter, interactive case, or recorded webcast. These high-level, case-based, multiple-choice questions test application of the material to real-world practice. Explained answers, provided after the close of BCPPS testing, are a vital component of the learning process and include a detailed rationale for each self-assessment question with hyperlinks to citations that support optimal decision-making. For more on ACPE and BCPPS credit from PedSAP, see below.

Once purchased, the current PedSAP release (and any previously released PedSAPs) will appear in your My Account page under My Products. The principal PedSAP release is an online book (interactive PDF) that can be saved to the desktop or printed. The latest version of Adobe Reader (available free) offers functionality such as highlighting or adding “sticky notes” to the text. Intra-document and external links connect you immediately to the information you want and need. As each book is released, it will be automatically added to your My Account page.

An e-media format, provided in addition to the interactive PDF, is perfect for “anywhere, anytime” access. This format allows PedSAP information to be viewed on an e-reader, tablet, iOS or Android smart phone.

For assessment purposes, PedSAP content is grouped into learning modules. Each release consists of 3–4 modules; each module contains 2–3 review-style chapters or 2–3 electronic features. The Self-Assessment Questions in each module are accessed from the My Products section of your My Account page. Please note the following:

  • Only completed tests are eligible for credit; no partial or incomplete tests will be processed.
  • You may complete one or all available modules for credit.
  • Tests may not be submitted more than one time.

BCPPS Recertification Credit:

BCPPS Credit

To be eligible to receive BCPPS recertification credit from a PedSAP module, the required posttest must be submitted within the 6-month period after the book’s release. Test deadlines are listed on the first page of every release. The passing point to earn BCPPS recertification credit is based on an expert analysis of the assessment items in each posttest module. Any posttest submitted before the BCPPS test deadline that meets this passing point will earn BCPPS recertification credits. These credits will be assigned as of the date of test submission and reported within 48 hours to BPS. For statements of recertification credit, visit

All participants must have a Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) board certification credential number, BPS ID Number, and a BPS expiration date on file with ACCP for reporting purposes. To verify or update this information in your ACCP account, visit Licensure/Certification. Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Questions regarding the number of hours required for BCPPS recertification should be directed to BPS at (202) 946-5026 or The ACCP Recertification Dashboard is a free online tool that can track recertification credits as they are earned through ACCP and schedule new opportunities for credits from upcoming ACCP professional development programs.

Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) Credit:

ACPEThe American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

All PedSAP releases are application-based activities.

To receive ACPE CPE credit for a PedSAP module, a posttest must be submitted within 3 years after the book’s release. Test deadlines are listed on the first page of every release. The passing point to earn ACPE CPE credit for a PedSAP module is 50%. Any posttest submitted before the ACPE deadline that scores 50% or greater will be awarded the appropriate CPE. These credits will be assigned as of the date of test submission and reported within 48 hours. For statements of CPE credit, visit

Posttest answers: The explained answers – with rationale and supporting references – will be posted 2 weeks after the BCPPS test deadline and will be available to anyone who has either (1) submitted a posttest or (2) waived the right to receive credit from a posttest (see below). Explained answers will be posted on the My Products section of the My Account page where posttests are accessed.

Waiving Credits: To access the explained answers without submitting a posttest, sign in to your My Account page, select the PedSAP book, and click on the waiver link for that module. By completing the waiver form for a module, you waive the opportunity to receive CPE credit for that module. After you submit a waiver, you will see a link to the PDF file that contains the answers for the module you waived. Answers will be available starting 2 weeks after the BCPPS test deadline.

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy - CPE Monitor Service

Provided through the collaborative efforts of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and ACPE-accredited providers, the CPE Monitor Service allows you to electronically keep track of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits from ACPE-accredited providers. ACPE-accredited providers, like ACCP, are responsible for transmitting this information to NABP to be stored in the CPE Monitor system. Statements of credit will be available at CPE Monitor,, within 2–3 business days after completion of this posttest. For more information on CPE Monitor please visit

To transfer these credits to CPE Monitor on your behalf your NABP e-Profile ID Number and date of birth must be listed on your ACCP account. To verify or update this information in your ACCP account, visit Licensure/Certification. Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Some international pharmacists do not use the CPE Monitor service. To verify or update this information in your ACCP account, visit Licensure/Certification. Check the box “I am an international pharmacist or I am not licensed to practice in the United States, and do not have an NABP e-Profile ID.” Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Two PedSAP books are released each year; release dates are in March, and September. To be eligible for BCPPS recertification credit, the required posttest must be submitted within 6 months of each book’s release. All PedSAP releases available for purchase are listed below. Note that only the current and future releases have BCPPS recertification opportunities. PedSAP releases that are available for ACPE Only may have a discounted price. Click each title for tables of contents, sample chapters, faculty, and contact hours for each module as they become available.

Purchase PedSAP releases as single books, or buy any three or more in a single transaction and receive savings of 20% off the single-book price. Purchase the entire six-book 2019–2021 series for savings of 40% off the single-book price.

PedSAP 2019–2021 Release Pricing Member Price Nonmember Price
Single Release $75 $110
Any Three or More Releasesa $60/release $90/release
2019–2021 Full Series (Six Releases) $270 $400
  a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.
PedSAP 2019–2021
PedSAP 2019 Book 1 PedSAP 2019–2021



The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Pulmonology, the latest release in ACCP’s new Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP), presents evidence-based updates for the management of several common pulmonary disorders in neonates and older pediatric patients.

Rebecca S. Pettit, Pharm.D., MBA, BCPS

Pulmonology carries a total of 16.5 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. Content was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair Rebecca S. Pettit, Pharm.D., MBA, BCPS.

Chapters in the first module include an overview of the management of rare pulmonary diseases and on management of complicated pneumonia. The second module updates treatment of cystic fibrosis and management of the patient with a tracheostomy. Electronic features in the third and fourth modules include an interactive case on management of near drowning; a recorded webinar on new technologies in drug delivery to the lungs; a recorded webinar on asthma ambulatory care services; and an interactive case on the use of steroids for bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Each PedSAP release is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

PedSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every purchase is an e-media version you can view on an e-reader, tablet, and iOS or Android smart phone.

Publisher: ACCP, 150 pages, March 2019; ISBN-13: 978-1-939862-76-1

Pulmonology I 0217-0000-19-010-H01-P 4.0 CPE Hours
Pulmonology II 0217-0000-19-011-H01-P 4.5 CPE Hours
Pulmonology III 0217-0000-19-012-H01-P 4.5 CPE Hours
Pulmonology IV 0217-0000-19-013-H01-P 3.5 CPE Hours
PedSAP 2019 Book 1 Pulmonology (Member Price / Non-Member Price)
Online Release
$75 / $110
Multi-book Discounts
Three or More Online Releasesa
$60 per Release / $90 per Release
2019–2021 Full Series
(Six Online Releases)
$270 / $400
a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.
PedSAP 2019 Book 2 PedSAP 2019–2021



The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Transplantation, the latest release in ACCP’s new Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP), presents evidence-based updates for the management of pediatric transplant recipients.

Rochelle Liverman, Pharm.D.

Transplantation carries a total of 17.5 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. Content was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair Rochelle Liverman, Pharm.D.

Chapters in the first module include an overview of immunosuppression in pediatric solid organ transplant and the management of pediatric kidney and pediatric heart transplant recipients. The second module reviews the management of pediatric liver and intestinal transplant recipients and includes updates in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Electronic features in the third module include a recorded webinar on immunization in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients; an interactive case on the management of the organ donor; and an interactive case guideline update on cytomegalovirus in solid organ transplant.

Each PedSAP release is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

PedSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every purchase is an e-media version you can view on an e-reader, tablet, and iOS or Android smart phone.

Publisher: ACCP, 150 pages, September 2019;

Transplantation I 0217-0000-19-030-H01-P 6.5 CPE Hours
Transplantation II 0217-0000-19-031-H01-P 5.5 CPE Hours
Transplantation III 0217-0000-19-032-H01-P 5.5 CPE Hours
PedSAP 2019 Book 2 Transplantation (Member Price / Non-Member Price)
Online Release
$75 / $110
Multi-book Discounts
Three or More Online Releasesa
$60 per Release / $90 per Release
2019–2021 Full Series
(Six Online Releases)
$270 / $400
a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.
PedSAP 2020 Book 1 PedSAP 2019–2021



The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the latest release in ACCP’s new Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP), presents evidence-based updates for the management of pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology. The target audience for the book is board certified and advanced-level clinical pharmacists caring for pediatric patients with gastroenterologic and hepatologic disorders.

Jennifer T. Pham, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS
GI and Hepatology carries a total of 19.0 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. Content was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair Jennifer T. Pham, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS.



Chapters in the first module include an overview of the common pediatric GI disease states including nausea/vomiting, cyclic vomiting, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome and constipation. The second module discusses novel therapy for inflammatory bowel diseases and the latest updates on the management of pancreatitis and appendicitis. The third module provides a review and new drug treatments for short bowel syndrome/intestinal rehabilitation and pediatric acute and chronic hepatic failure. Electronic features in the fourth module include a recorded webcast on the management of stress ulcer prophylaxis and interactive cases on the management of drug-induced liver injury and chronic abdominal pains syndromes in pediatric patients.

Each PedSAP release is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

PedSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every purchase is an e-media version you can view on an e-reader, tablet, and iOS or Android smart phone.

Publisher: ACCP, 150 pages, March 2020; ISBN-13: 978-1-932658-32-3

Gastroenterology and Hepatology I 0217-0000-20-010-H01-P 4.0 CPE Hours
Gastroenterology and Hepatology II 0217-0000-20-011-H01-P 5.5 CPE Hours
Gastroenterology and Hepatology III 0217-0000-20-012-H01-P 5.5 CPE Hours
Gastroenterology and Hepatology IV 0217-0000-20-013-H01-P 4.0 CPE Hours
PedSAP 2020 Book 1 Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Member Price / Non-Member Price)
Online Release
$75 / $110
Multi-book Discounts
Three or More Online Releasesa
$60 per Release / $90 per Release
2019–2021 Full Series
(Six Online Releases)
$270 / $400
a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.
PedSAP 2020 Book 2 PedSAP 2019–2021



The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Cardiology and Nephrology, the latest release in ACCP’s new Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP), presents evidence-based updates for the management of pediatric patients with various cardiac and/or renal sequelae. The target audience for the book is board-certified and advanced-level clinical pharmacists caring for pediatric patients with cardiologic and nephrologic disorders.

David E. Procaccini, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS, BCPPS, CACP
Cardiology and Nephrology carries a total of 21.5 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. Content was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair David E. Procaccini, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS, BCPPS, CACP.


Chapters in the first module include an overview of the common congenital heart diseases, low cardiac output syndrome and stroke volume management, cardiomyopathies, and heart failure. The second module provides an overview and treatment modalities for arrhythmias, and hemostasis and anticoagulation in patients with cardiac anomalies. The third module provides a review of renal dysfunction/failure and renal replacement therapies in cardiac patients, as well as an overview of kidney transplantation. Electronic features in the fourth module include interactive cases on QTc prolongation and post-cardiac surgical arrhythmias, as well as coagulation controversies in cardiac patients.

Each PedSAP release is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

PedSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every purchase is an e-media version you can view on an e-reader, tablet, and iOS or Android smart phone.

Publisher: ACCP, 200 pages, September 2020; ISBN-13: 978-1-952291-09-8

Cardiology and Nephrology I 0217-0000-20-044-H01-P 5.5 CPE Hours
Cardiology and Nephrology II 0217-0000-20-045-H01-P 6.0 CPE Hours
Cardiology and Nephrology III 0217-0000-20-046-H01-P 5.0 CPE Hours
Cardiology and Nephrology IV 0217-0000-20-047-H01-P 5.0 CPE Hours
PedSAP 2020 Book 2 Cardiology and Nephrology (Member Price / Non-Member Price)
Online Release
$75 / $110
Multi-book Discounts
Three or More Online Releasesa
$60 per Release / $90 per Release
2019–2021 Full Series
(Six Online Releases)
$270 / $400
a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.
PedSAP 2021 Book 1 PedSAP 2019–2021



The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Ambulatory Care and Hematology, the latest release in ACCP’s new Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP), presents evidence-based updates for the management of pediatric patients in ambulatory care and hematology. The target audience for the book is board-certified and advanced-level clinical pharmacists caring for general pediatric patients.

Jill A. Morgan, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS, FNAP
Ambulatory Care and Hematology carries a total of 15.0 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. Content was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair Jill A. Morgan, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS, FNAP.


Chapters in the first module include an overview of the process on transitioning adolescent patients from pediatric clinics to adult care and updates in sickle cell management. The second module discusses therapeutic updates in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and sexually transmitted diseases. There is also a review on rheumatologic conditions. Electronic features in the third module include a recorded webcast on medication adherence in adolescents and interactive cases on the management of pumps and insulin in diabetic patients and treatment of pediatric anemia.

Each PedSAP release is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

PedSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every purchase is an e-media version you can view on an e-reader, tablet, and iOS or Android smart phone.

Publisher: ACCP, 200 pages, March 2021; ISBN-13: 978-1-952291-18-0

Ambulatory Care and Hematology I 0217-0000-21-010-H01-P 3.0 CPE Hours
Ambulatory Care and Hematology II 0217-0000-21-011-H01-P 7.5 CPE Hours
Ambulatory Care and Hematology III 0217-0000-21-012-H01-P 4.5 CPE Hours
PedSAP 2021 Book 1 Ambulatory Care and Hematology (Member Price / Non-Member Price)
BCPPS credit has expired for this product.
Online Release
$75 / $110
Multi-book Discounts
Three or More Online Releasesa
$60 per Release / $90 per Release
2019–2021 Full Series
(Six Online Releases)
$270 / $400
a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.
PedSAP 2021 Book 2 PedSAP 2019–2021



The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Neurology and Psychiatry, the latest release in ACCP’s new Pediatric Self-Assessment Program (PedSAP), presents evidence-based updates for the management of pediatric patients in psychiatry and neurology. The target audience for the book is board-certified and advanced-level clinical pharmacists caring for pediatric patients with psychiatric and neurological conditions.

Benjamin Chavez, Pharm.D., BCPP, BCACP
Neurology and Psychiatry carries a total of 18.0 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. Content was developed under the leadership of Faculty Panel Chair Benjamin Chavez, Pharm.D., BCPP, BCACP.



Chapters in the first module include an in-depth review on the treatment of eating disorders, as well as an update on the treatment of depression. The second module discusses the nuances of treating bipolar disorder, and a therapeutic update on ADHD. The third module reviews the topics of epilepsy and sleep disorders. Electronic features in the fourth module include three interactive cases, covering PTSD/trauma, headaches, and smoking cessation.

Each PedSAP release is provided as a full-color electronic book (interactive PDF) with high-level updates in three formats:

  • Traditional review-style chapters
  • Interactive cases (a series of webpages, each introduced by a sample case-based question)
  • Recorded webcast (PowerPoint presentation; includes PDF of the transcribed narrative)

PedSAP chapters and features are fully referenced, with clickable hyperlinks to literature compilers such as PubMed. Other links provide ready access to clinical practice guidelines, official recommendations, and patient assessment tools. Graphics focus on pivotal studies, patient care scenarios, and take-home points that can be readily integrated into clinical practice. Included with every purchase is an e-media version you can view on an e-reader, tablet, and iOS or Android smart phone.

Publisher: ACCP, 200 pages, September 2021; ISBN-13: 978-1-952291-33-3

Neurology and Psychiatry I 0217-0000-21-068-H01-P 5.0 CPE Hours
Neurology and Psychiatry II 0217-0000-21-069-H01-P 4.0 CPE Hours
Neurology and Psychiatry III 0217-0000-21-070-H01-P 4.5 CPE Hours
Neurology and Psychiatry IV 0217-0000-21-071-H01-P 4.5 CPE Hours


PedSAP 2021 Book 2 Neurology and Psychiatry (Member Price / Non-Member Price)
BCPPS credit has expired for this product.
Online Release
$75 / $110
Multi-book Discounts
Three or More Online Releasesa
$60 per Release / $90 per Release
2019–2021 Full Series
(Six Online Releases)
$270 / $400
a Applies to any three or more releases from the same series purchased in the same transaction. Discount will be applied at checkout.

Commercial Support

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy does not solicit or accept external commercial/financial support for its continuing pharmacy education activities. No commercial/financial support has been solicited or accepted for this activity.