Edited by Barbara S. Wiggins, Pharm.D.; Joseph J. Saseen, Pharm.D.
The science and practice of lipidology are always evolving, and the Pharmacist’s Guide to Lipid Management, Second Edition, offers the latest information for pharmacists on the front lines of lipid management today. In this expanded new edition, material and case studies written by experts in the field build on the authoritative first edition, and focus on the latest guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association for treating high blood cholesterol in people at risk for cardiovascular diseases.
The Pharmacist’s Guide to Lipid Management, Second Edition, is not just a great resource for ambulatory care and inpatient pharmacists. With updates and recommendations on pathophysiology, pharmacotherapy, lifestyle modification, special patient populations, landmark clinical trials, and more, the Pharmacist’s Guide to Lipid Management, Second Edition, is also a valuable aid for students, physicians, nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals involved in managing lipid therapies.
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, America’s number one killer, requires a nationwide effort, and pharmacists have a unique opportunity to offer a significant impact. The Pharmacist’s Guide to Lipid Management, Second Edition, is the pharmacist’s tool in this effort.
ISBN: 978-1-939862-04-4; 2014; 312 pages; softcover
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