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Leaving the Lectern: Cooperative Learning and the Critical First Days of Students Working in Groups

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Here is the story of how one professor at a research university used a form of active learning to change the way he taught—from traditional lectures and examinations to cooperative learning and student projects. Engagingly written, Leaving the Lectern offers an insightful look at the challenges and rewards of achieving change in the classroom. Readers will discover the kinds of risks, assumptions, and decisions they will face as they change their teaching to emphasize student learning.

Features in the book include:

  • Reflective questions at the end of each chapter to aide in using the chapter information
  • References to pedagogical precepts, strategies, and tools
  • Seven themes to help bring about change: accept risk, use feedback, reflect, adapt and be flexible, establish a partnership, accept that you are teaching in a different world, and finally, welcome the joy

Author(s): Dean A. McManus, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-882982-85-1
Publication Year: 2005
Format: Softcover
Number of Pages: 236