American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I have to be enrolled in an ACCP Academy certificate program to attend courses?
No. Anyone is welcome to register/attend Academy-related courses held at ACCP meetings.
2. Do I have to pay a separate fee to attend an Academy-related course that is being held as a premeeting symposium?
Yes. Premeeting symposia (held prior to an ACCP meeting) are not included with full or one-day meeting registrations.
3. How do I get credit for attending an Academy-related course?
You must register and attend the session. In each session room, you will be asked to sign an attendance sheet. Make sure to sign the sheet as it will be used to verify your participation.
4. Can I receive credit for elective courses taken prior to my enrollment in the Academy certificate program?
If you enroll in the Academy within 3 months of attending a meeting, you can receive credit for the electives (and modules) you attended at that meeting.
5. How do I find out how many credits I have towards my Academy certificate?
To track your progress, sign into your online portfolio. In your portfolio there is a link to your progress report. Progress reports are updated 5-8 days after each ACCP meeting.
6. Can I receive credit for a required course if I have not first taken the prerequisite course for the certificate program?
No. Each certificate program, except Leadership and Management, requires the modules to be taken in sequential order beginning with the prerequisite Primer. Participants in the Leadership and Management program may take modules in any order.
7. Do I have to take the required courses in sequential order?
Yes. Each program, except Leadership and Management, requires participants to take the modules in sequential order.
8. When do I have to have coursework and assignments completed by, in order to graduate in the fall?
Portfolio assignments correspond with the modules you have completed. Therefore, after attending the fall sessions, you must complete the assignments for the fall modules prior to attending the modules offered in the spring, and vice versa. If you are a candidate for graduation, all portfolio assignments must be completed by August 1 of the year you plan to graduate. Candidates for graduation are those who have competed all the required modules, electives and webinars (if applicable).
9. When is graduation?
The ACCP Academy graduation ceremony is held during the ACCP Annual Meeting. During this event, the ACCP President and Program Directors present each graduate with a certificate of completion. There is only one graduation ceremony each year.
10. Do I have to attend the graduation ceremony to graduate?
No, you are not required to attend the graduation ceremony. After the August 1 deadline, graduates receive a notification for graduation and a form which will allow them to indicate if they are attending graduation or not. Graduates who cannot attend with receive their certificate in the mail after the graduation ceremony.
11. Is it possible to participate/enroll in more than one certificate program at a time?
Yes. However, some modules are offered concurrently. Therefore, you will need to choose which modules to complete first. For example, the Research Primer is offered at the same time as the Leadership Primer.
12. What are the costs associated with this program?
Participants must be prepared to meet the following costs: One-time enrollment fee of $399.95 for members and $699.95 for nonmembers, registration fees to attend the Annual Meeting if you would like to attend live, in-person programming for the Academy (along with all other Annual Meeting programming), and the cost of any required reading. Attending the graduation ceremony is optional for graduates. However, if you plan to attend the graduation ceremony, you must be registered for at least one day, the day of the graduation.
Other questions? Please contact Wendy Staab