American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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GTMRx Releases 2024 Summary of Research on the Value of Comprehensive Medication Management

The Get the Medications Right Institute has just released the latest edition of its summary of published research from practice sites using comprehensive medication management (CMM). The Outcomes of Implementing and Integrating Comprehensive Medication Management in Team-Based Care: A Review of the Evidence on Quality, Access and Costs, December 2024, commonly termed the evidence document, highlights the best of the studies showing the value of CMM in achieving all 5 aspects of the quintuple aim of health care: providing high-quality care, reducing health care–related costs, improving the patient’s care experience, improving health care team members’ work-life balance, and achieving health equity.

The 2024 evidence document includes 21 studies, with 5 of the articles published this past year. The new additions include a paper evaluating the impact of CMM on total cost of care in a clinically integrated network that found both lower costs and reduced hospital admissions. A new paper from the Veterans Health Administration documented improvement in the number of patients achieving their diabetes and hypertension goals in clinical practices with greater adherence to the CMM process of care. This edition also features the first report describing the benefits of using CMM to optimize medications in children with complex medical conditions as well as a paper describing implementation of a health equity–informed process to increase recruitment and engagement of patients with hypertension who would benefit from receiving CMM services. As a resource for disseminating the value of CMM, the annual updates of the document continue to reflect the ongoing research in this area and the expansion of CMM into a wider range of practice settings.

The evidence document is a product of the Evidence-Based Resources Subgroup of the GTMRx Practice and Care Delivery Transformation Workgroup. Authors include Shawn McFarland, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCACP; Marcia Buck, Pharm.D., FCCP, FPPA, BCPPS; and Judith Jacobi, Pharm.D., FCCP, MCCM, BCCCP, all members of ACCP. The Practice and Care Delivery Transformation Workgroup, as well as the other GTMRx workgroups, continues to add new members. ACCP members who are interested in participating in GTMRx are encouraged to become a member and indicate their interest in volunteering for a workgroup.