American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2025 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium: Call for Abstracts

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline
    • March 24, 2025: Submission deadline for Advances in International Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Education or Training, Case Reports, Clinical Pharmacy Forum, Original Research, Scoping Reviews, and Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses abstracts
    • April 22, 2025: Submission deadline for Research-in-Progress abstracts (Students and Residents and Fellows)
  • Notification of Acceptance
    • April 29, 2025: Authors will be notified of acceptance or declination no later than this date.

ACCP invites you to submit an abstract to be considered for presentation during the 2025 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium (VPS), May 20 and 21, 2025. The VPS was launched in 2012 because travel, funding, and schedule conflicts often made it difficult for participants to attend a conference in person. ACCP continues to host the VPS as an alternative means for individuals to present their research and scholarship to peers and engage in dialogue with colleagues.

All investigators in the field of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology, ACCP members and nonmembers alike, are invited to submit abstracts. There is a $50 fee to submit an abstract.

The deadline to submit abstracts (EXCLUDING Research-in-Progress abstracts) is March 24, 2025. The deadline to submit abstracts in the Research-in-Progress category is April 22, 2025.

Posters will be on display May 17 through May 25 for asynchronous viewing and comment. In addition, 2 interactive sessions will be held on May 20 and 21, when authors and their virtual posters will be available for real-time online question-and-answer interactions. The technology required for presenters and the poster-viewing audience is minimal—a broadband internet connection and a current version of an internet browser.

What is the ACCP VPS?

The VPS involves the electronic submission of an abstract. If the abstract is accepted, a poster is created and saved in standard PDF format. The poster is made available for viewing by all attendees during the designated VPS dates. Virtual poster presenters will be virtually present (EITHER May 20 or May 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. [Eastern time]) via an online, real-time chat feature. Presenters also have the option to offer live Q&A via their preferred video/audio platform (eg, Zoom, Teams, Hangouts Meet) during their assigned poster session. Presenters will be able to discuss their findings with students, residents, fellows, seasoned practitioners, and even family and friends during the symposium. Of important note, attendance at the VPS is free. All are invited to attend—ACCP members, colleagues, friends, and family.

All abstracts accepted for presentation, except for “Encore” and “Research-in-Progress” presentations, will have full-text abstracts published online in JACCP. Only the abstract title, authors, and original citation will be published in JACCP for “Encore” presentations.

To review the complete submission instructions, guidelines, and review criteria or to submit an abstract, visit