American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

2011 ACCP Committee and Task Force Selection Now Complete

After receiving responses to this summer’s committee charge/volunteer services survey from more than 600 ACCP member volunteers, President-Elect William Kehoe has completed the process of impaneling committees and task forces for the upcoming year. Each committee and task force will hold its first face-to-face meeting next month during the 2010 ACCP Annual Meeting in Austin. At press time, ACCP was still seeking some members with new e-mail addresses or particularly active spam filters to confirm their respective committee and task force appointments. However, if a member who expressed interest in committee service through this summer’s survey was not selected, please note that ACCP will be offering additional opportunities for members to volunteer for other College-related activities during the course of the year (student CV review, meeting abstract review, etc.) based on members’ responses to this summer’s survey. Look for e-mails from ACCP if you volunteered to provide non-committee service this year in addition to open calls for selected new volunteer activities in future issues of the ACCP Report.