American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Mark Your Calendar Now for the NEW Ambulatory Care Preparatory Review Course and the Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review Course

April 8–12, 2011 in Columbus, Ohio

Mark your calendar for the popular Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review Course and the NEW Ambulatory Care Preparatory Review Course. Both programs are designed to help you prepare for the relevant Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) Pharmacy Specialty Certification Examination that will be offered in October 2011. Even if you are not planning to sit for a BPS examination, you may still be interested in assessing your knowledge and skills by taking advantage of one of these advanced specialty programs. Each course is an excellent review for either pharmacotherapy or ambulatory care practitioners seeking to remain current in their practice. Registration opens in October 2010.

Both courses will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center located in Columbus, Ohio, from April 8 to 12, 2011. Watch the ACCP Web site,, for complete meeting details.