American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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International Professional Services

ACCP provides international professional services as a part of its mission “to advance human health by extending the frontiers of clinical pharmacy” throughout the world.

Professional Services

Professional Development Programs

  1. Clinical skills development
  2. Teaching and precepting
  3. Leadership and management
  4. Research and scholarship
  5. Pharmacotherapy courses for advanced pharmacy practitioners
  6. Preparatory programs for specialty board certification examination
  7. Other topics tailored to meet the organization’s needs

Clinical Services Development

  1. Implementation and advancement of clinical pharmacy services
  2. All practice settings
  3. Comprehensive or targeted consultation based on organization’s needs

Professional Degree Program Development

  1. Curricular design
  2. Ability-based education
  3. Program assessment
  4. Experiential programs (including introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences)
  5. Student portfolios
  6. Other services tailored to meet the organization’s needs

Organizational Strategic Planning

  1. Health care systems
  2. Colleges/schools of pharmacy

Clinical Pharmacy Administration

  1. Organizational leadership
  2. Program evaluation
  3. Staff deployment and training
  4. Interface of pharmacy operations and clinical services
  5. Informatics and automation

Professional Placement

  1. Recruitment of qualified clinical faculty and clinical pharmacists for full-time positions outside the United States
  2. Pharm.D. Degree program admissions for qualified candidates

For more information on any of the above services or others specific to your organizational needs and goals, please contact us at [email protected].