More Info CardSAP 2024 Book 2 Arrhythmias and Thrombosis
Release Date: November 17, 2025 More Info CardSAP 2026
Release Date: November 16, 2026 More Info CardSAP 2027
Release Date: November 15, 2027 More Info CardSAP 2024 Book 1 Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
Available for ACPE CREDIT ONLY More Info CardSAP 2023 Book 2 Blood Pressure Disorders and Practice Management
Available for ACPE CREDIT ONLY More Info CardSAP 2022 Book 2 Special Populations
Available for ACPE CREDIT ONLY More Info CardSAP 2022 Book 1 Heart Failure
Available for ACPE CREDIT ONLY More Info CardSAP 2023 Book 1 Cardiovascular Critical Care
Available for ACPE CREDIT ONLY
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education (CPE)
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education with Commendation.
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is approved by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) as a provider for the recertification of BCCP.
BPS is an autonomous division of the American Pharmacists Association. To maintain its strict, independent standards for certification, BPS does NOT endorse or provide review information, preparatory courses, or study guides for board certification examinations. BPS, through its specialty councils, is responsible for specialty examination content, administration, scoring, and all other aspects of its certification programs. BPS is totally separate and distinct from ACCP. For information about BPS specialty recertification the BPS recertification process, go to:
To receive recertification credit, posttests must be submitted prior to the recertification posttest deadline (see above). Only completed tests are eligible for credit; no partial or incomplete tests will be processed. You may complete one or all available posttests for credit.
The passing point to earn recertification credit is based on an expert analysis of the assessment items in each posttest. Any posttest submitted before the recertification test deadline that meets this passing point will earn recertification credits. These credits will be assigned as of the date of test submission and reported within 48 hours to BPS. For statements of recertification credit, visit
In accordance with BPS guidelines concerning remediation for products launched in 2024 and after, posttests that do not reach the passing point for recertification credit will generate a second-chance test option. This test will automatically appear in the learner’s My Account page and will have assessment items presented in a different order. To qualify for recertification credit, the second-chance test must be submitted before the recertification deadline stated above.
The ACCP Recertification Dashboard is a free online tool that can track recertification credits as they are earned through ACCP and schedule new opportunities for credits from upcoming ACCP professional development programs. Questions regarding the number of hours required for recertification should be directed to BPS at
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy does not solicit or accept external commercial/financial support for its continuing pharmacy education activities. No commercial/financial support has been solicited or accepted for this activity.
Each CardSAP release is an online book made up of peer-reviewed chapters and electronic features covering a specific therapeutic area. Activity formats will vary by topic to provide the best method of relating information to clinical practice.
Traditional chapters review the latest published data and include:
- In-text references to the latest published data
- Full-color photographs, illustrations, and graphics
- Hyperlinks to assessment tools, online resources, and the latest guidelines
- Patient Care Scenarios (practice application exercises)
- Practice Points (the take-home messages)
Case Series features include:
- Sample questions and answers for each section of learning content
- In-text references to the latest published data
- Full-color photographs, illustrations, and graphics
- Hyperlinks to assessment tools, online resources, and the latest guidelines
- Practice Points (the take-home messages)
Recorded Webcasts include:
- PowerPoint slides with recorded narrative
- On-slide references to the latest published data
- Tables, photographs, illustrations, and graphics
- Hyperlinks to assessment tools, online resources, and the latest guidelines
- Patient Care Scenarios (practice application exercises)
- Practice Points (the take-home messages)
Self-Assessment Questions are found at the end of each activity. These high-level, case-based, multiple-choice questions test application of the material to real-world practice. Explained answers, provided after the close of recertification testing, are a vital component of the learning process and include a detailed rationale for each self-assessment question with hyperlinks to citations that support optimal decision-making. For more on ACPE and recertification credit from CardSAP, click on the Credit tab.
On the published release date, CardSAP activities appear in your My Account page under My Products. Each release is an online book (interactive PDF) that can be saved to the desktop or printed. The latest version of Adobe Reader (available free) offers functionality such as highlighting or adding “sticky notes” to the text. Intra-document and external links connect you immediately to the information you seek.
An e-media format, provided in addition to the interactive PDF, is perfect for “anywhere, anytime” access. This format allows program information to be viewed on an e-reader, tablet, iOS or Android smart phone.
CardSAP books are released annually in November. To be eligible for BCCP recertification credit, the required posttest must be submitted within 12 months of each program’s release. CardSAP releases that are available for ACPE credit only may be offered at a discounted price. See the Specialty Recertification page in the ACCP Store for tables of contents, sample text, learning objectives, faculty, and contact hours as they become available for each CardSAP release.
Purchase CardSAP releases as single books or buy any three or more in a single transaction to take advantage of multi-book discounts up to 30%. Note that releases from other Self-Assessment Programs may be added for multi-book discounts; however, only CardSAP releases have available BCCP recertification credits.