American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Benefits of Membership

Professional Development

ACCP stands out as a leader in providing career-related resources for clinical pharmacy. By becoming a student member of ACCP, you can enjoy a range of advantages, one of which is gaining access to professional development opportunities that can assist you at every stage of your academic journey in navigating the field of clinical pharmacy.

ACCP’s Emerge from the Crowd: How to Become a Standout Residency Candidate provides students with the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of clinical pharmacy about the steps they can take now to rise above the competition when applying for a residency. Emerge from the Crowd is an interactive programming session held during the Annual Meeting and Spring Forum, where information material is also provided to students. ACCP has designed this educational program for all students, including those in their first 2 years of pharmacy school. The session includes information on navigating the residency application process, specifically live interactions such as showcases and interviews.

ACCP’s On Demand CV Service is available year-round. ACCP student and postgraduate trainee members may submit a curriculum vitae online as a PDF document. ACCP will randomly assign the document to an ACCP member volunteer reviewer, who will provide feedback and/or edits.

ACCP’s On Demand LOI Review Service is available year-round. ACCP student and postgraduate trainee members may submit a curriculum vitae online as a PDF document. ACCP will randomly assign the document to an ACCP member volunteer reviewer, who will provide feedback and/or edits.

For the Clinical Pharmacy Challenge, teams of three students compete against teams from other schools and colleges of pharmacy in a “quiz bowl”–type format. Following a local competition, preliminary rounds of the national competition are conducted virtually in September. The quarterfinal, semifinal, and final rounds are held live each year at the ACCP Annual Meeting.

For the ACCP Clinical Research Challenge, teams of three students in their first and second professional year of their degree program will compete against teams from other schools and colleges of pharmacy nationwide in an online format. All eligible teams will have the opportunity to compete in Round One- Online Journal Club. Teams achieving the top 20 scores will advance to Round 2: Research Protocol Development. The teams with the top three research proposal submissions are requested to present their research design during a poster session at the Annual Meeting.

One of the unique benefits of ACCP is the close-knit professional network. Students can network with clinical pharmacy leaders and fellow students from across the nation by attending the ACCP Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting affords student attendees with unique programming sessions designed to help you meet your professional career goals and introduce you to the many areas of clinical pharmacy practice. Student members are eligible to apply for Student Travel Awards. Discounted group meeting registration rates are also available.

Practice and Research Networks

The Practice and Research Networks (PRNs) are a unique offering from ACCP that allows its members to interact via email list messages. This permits for the exchange of timely information to improve both patient care and practice in specialty areas of pharmacy. Specifically for student members, PRNs present the opportunity to gain perspective on major areas of professional interests. PRNs are also an excellent way for student members to network with practitioners and contribute to an area of interest through the various PRN-specific committees. Upon becoming a member of ACCP, students are eligible to join as many PRNs as they wish at no charge.

Research Opportunities

ACCP realizes the importance of furthering clinical pharmacy research as part of its core mission. Through ACCP, there are several research opportunities made available for students. These opportunities include mentorship, grant funding, and access to original research on all aspects of clinical pharmacy through a free electronic subscription to Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy and the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (JACCP) for all members.

The mission of the ACCP Foundation is to improve human health by supporting research, scholarship, and practice. The Foundation Foundation's strategic plan is designed to guide us on an exciting path of support for researchers, scholars, and practitioners. Ultimately, to improve human health.

The ACCP Foundation Futures Grants is a mentored developmental awards program providing research funding through two competitive granting mechanisms: (1) student and resident research awards and (2) junior investigator research awards. The goals of this program are to support the development of research skills among early-career ACCP members and to establish sustained interest and careers in clinical pharmacy research. This program targets student and resident members of ACCP, as well as junior investigators, who desire to conduct research.

Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy is an essential professional reference for the clinical pharmacist. All ACCP Memberships include an electronic subscription to Pharmacotherapy. Each monthly issue contains exceptional and innovative articles with a focus on human pharmacology and drug therapy.

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (JACCP) ACCP's newest journal launched in October 2018. All ACCP Memberships include an electronic subscription to JACCP. Each monthly issue contains exceptional and innovative articles with a focus on practice-based implementation science, innovations in practice, medication optimization and patient outcomes, economic outcomes, clinical pharmacy education and training, international clinical pharmacy practice, health care policy influencing clinical pharmacists, and care delivery models.

Leadership Opportunities

ACCP realizes the importance of leadership development as part of the pharmacy student’s experience. Through ACCP, there are many opportunities to further develop and practice your leadership skills. Getting involved in local positions within your school’s ACCP Student Chapter is highly encouraged, maybe even as your chapter’s ACCP Student Liaison. Also, the National Student Network Advisory Committee is a great way to serve the student members of ACCP at the national level.

One of the best ways to build leadership locally, it is within the local chapters of ACCP. As a leader in your local ACCP Student Chapter, you will build skills in communication and management. Your largest role is to help familiarize your chapter with the role and importance of clinical pharmacy. Secondly, advocate for the role of the clinical pharmacist and the services that it provides. Last, but certainly not least, connect your members with the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. There is a ton of resources for student chapter members to utilize when they visit the ACCP Student Chapter section of ACCP’s website.

ACCP Student Liaisons are an important part of connecting ACCP and the schools of pharmacy. Student Liaisons increase the awareness that student members have of the national association and communicate important information from the national association. To become a Student Liaison, a student must be designated by his or her institution’s ACCP Faculty Liaison.

The ACCP National Student Network Advisory Committee (SNAC) is an essential part of the student membership with ACCP. A great way to build important leadership skills, the SNAC serves to communicate important news and information to the student membership. They edit and publish StuNews and contribute to the ACCP Student Member Instagram account (@ACCPStudents). Furthermore, SNAC convenes once a year at the ACCP Annual Meeting for a face-to-face meeting and additional virtual meetings, if needed. The committee consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and 8-9 Members-at-Large.

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