Because each online round is timed, ACCP encourages that whenever possible, team members should complete the online rounds in the same physical location in order to minimize the possibility of disruptions in internet connectivity due to technological issues. However, team members are not required to be in the same physical location in order to participate in the ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge.
Only one access code will be provided to each team. Teams who choose to have their members participate from separate locations are responsible for providing and supporting their own distance technologies. Be advised that any distance technology used must enable team members at remote locations to view the computer screen of the team member who is logged into the online examination. Additionally, each institution is required to provide a faculty member proctor at all sites at which team members are competing. The name of the faculty member(s) serving as proctors must be provided to ACCP via e-mail by the team registration deadline. The ACCP faculty liaison may email all proctor information to Michelle Kucera, Pharm.D.,BCPS at [email protected].
In an effort to accommodate for the various wireless and/or conferencing technologies teams may use to access and participate in the online rounds of the ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge, please review the following recommendations:
- ACCP encourages teams to use a hard line internet connection for the computer/device accessing the online rounds of the competition. Internet connection using any other form of wireless and/or tethering capability, while permissible, is not recommended.
- ACCP is able to track both the time and progression of each exam during the online rounds. Therefore, teams that experience an interruption in internet connectivity on the computer/device accessing the online rounds of the competition can contact the ACCP office to regain access to their exam.
- ACCP will not resume or reset an examination for internet connectivity issues on any computer/device other than the one being used to access the online examination, or for any failure or malfunction of distance technologies used by a team with members participating from various sites.