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Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy, 2024 Home Study

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Contemporary Weight Management: The Pharmacist’s Role

New Considerations in Diabetes Management: The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitors & The Risk of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis (eDKA)

Management of Infectious Disease in Immigrant and Refugee Populations

Beyond Endocarditis: Management of Cardiac Infections



Series Overview

The Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy has been approved by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) as one component of the professional development programs developed by ACCP for recertification of the Board-Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist® (BCPS).

This educational series explores cutting-edge, contemporary therapeutic topics, and demonstrates scientifically sound clinical reasoning and decision-making. It employs learning activities designed to advance the participants' skills and abilities to critically evaluate the scientific evidence and effectively incorporate significant findings into daily practice that lead to effective and safe patient care.

The program will consist of several educational activities and is presented in four parts.

  • streaming audio/slide synchronized presentations
  • downloadable mp3 audio files
  • downloadable mp4 video files
  • downloadable/printable PDFs of presentation slides
  • Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) credit
  • Recertification Credit - Available with Specialty Recertification package

Release date: November 6, 2024
BCPS credit expiration date: November 6, 2025
ACPE credit expiration date: October 15, 2027


Program Content

Contemporary Weight Management: The Pharmacist’s Role

Contemporary weight management will discuss the pharmacist’s role in contemporary care for patients with obesity. This presentation will review recent updates in treatment modalities, evidence supporting therapeutic effects, and clinical practice guidelines for weight management, including discussions of pharmacotherapeutic product selection, monitoring, management of adverse drug effects, and considerations for patients receiving bariatric surgeries. Interprofessional collaboration, including interfacing with nutritionists and other specialists, will also be discussed.

This program will explore the following topics:

  • Available pharmacological agents used in the treatment of obesity
  • Cardiovascular benefits of obesity pharmacotherapy and bariatric interventions
  • New agents or therapeutic options in the management of obesity

New Considerations in Diabetes Management: The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitors & The Risk of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis (eDKA)

New Considerations in Diabetes Management will focus on advancements in care for patients with diabetes that have emerged in recent years. This presentation will cover the emerging role of continuous glucose monitoring with a focus on its clinical benefits and potential barriers in access. Participants will be given the opportunity to design a treatment regimen based on CGM data in a patient case. Additionally, the identification and management of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis (eDKA), a more commonly recognized adverse effect to an often-used antihyperglycemic, sodium-glucose co-transport (SGLT2) inhibitors, will be discussed. Participants will be able to distinguish eDKA from DKA in regard to diagnosis, as well as highlight the differences in management.

This program will explore the following topics:

  • Clinical benefits of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs)
  • Risk factors for developing eDKA
  • Characteristics of patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) vs. euglycemic DKA (eDKA)

Management of Infectious Disease in Immigrant and Refugee Populations

Immigrant and refugee populations have risk factors and exposures distinct from those in which they are receiving treatment. This presentation will review considerations for screening and diagnosis recommendations in this population and how resistance patterns influence treatment decisions. An analysis of overseas and domestic guidance recommendations for United States (US) bound refugees will be provided, something many practicing pharmacists may be unfamiliar with or lack access to. Management of tuberculosis and other relevant infections, such as H. pylori, will also be discussed. This presentation incorporates case-based questions, an opportunity to develop and/or modify treatment regimens, and practice exercises to enhance understanding.

This program will explore the following topics:

  • Overseas and domestic guidance recommendations for United States (US) bound refugees
  • Treatment regimen with a monitoring plan for a refugee with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
  • Alternative treatment regimen for commonly encountered intestinal parasites

Beyond Endocarditis: Management of Cardiac Infections

Beyond Endocarditis: Management of Cardiac Infections will provide a focused review of appropriate pharmacotherapeutic approaches to the management of patients with less commonly encountered cardiac infections, including myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac device infections, vascular graft infections, and unusual bacterial/fungal causes of endocarditis. The presentation will include discussion of diagnostics, antimicrobial selection, treatment response monitoring, and considerations for relevant co-morbidities through use of case studies, including patients who use intravenous drugs.

This program will explore the following topics:

  • Clinical characteristics and supportive management of pericarditis and myocarditis
  • Acute vs. long term management of vascular graft infection
  • Treatment strategies for complex and uncommon causes of bacterial endocarditis (including Q fever, Histoplasmosis, and Bartonella)

Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy - Program Chair

Kathleen Pincus, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCACP, CDCES Kathleen Pincus, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCACP, CDCES
Associate Professor
PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program Director
University of Maryland
School of Pharmacy
Baltimore, Maryland

Contemporary Weight Management: The Pharmacist’s Role

Brian K. Irons, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCACP Brian K. Irons, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCACP
Texas Tech University Health Science Center
Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy
Lubbock, Texas

New Considerations in Diabetes Management: The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitors & The Risk of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis (eDKA)

Ebony I. Evans, Pharm.D. Ebony I. Evans, Pharm.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Ambulatory Care Pharmacist
Howard University
College of Pharmacy
Washington, D.C.

Management of Infectious Disease in Immigrant and Refugee Populations

Kara L. Birrer, Pharm.D., BCPS Kara L. Birrer, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Neurocritical Care
Orlando Regional Medical Center / Orlando Health
Orlando, Florida

Beyond Endocarditis: Management of Cardiac Infections

Kirstin J. Kooda, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPS Kirstin J. Kooda, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPS
Critical Care and Stewardship Pharmacist
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota

We thank the following peer reviewers for lending their time and expertise to this Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy.

  • Jeffrey Gonzales, Pharm.D., MS, BCPS, PDE-C, CDCES
  • Lauren Cook, Pharm.D., CDCES, BCPS, BCACP
  • Oussayma Moukhachen, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCCP
  • Rosario Avelino, BCPS, BCCCP
  • Esther Fasanmi, Pharm.D., BCIDP, BCPS, AAHIVP
  • Jodi Taylor, Pharm.D., BCCCP
  • Brittany Johnson, Pharm.D., BCACP
Financial Relationship Disclosures

Disclosures PDF

Target Audience and Learning Objectives

The target audience for Clinical Reasoning Series in Pharmacotherapy is the pharmacist practicing in a clinical setting as a Board-Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist® (BCPS) looking to earn recertification credit, and those clinicians seeking additional information on the topics covered.

Contemporary Weight Management: The Pharmacist’s Role

  1. Compare currently available pharmacological agents used in the treatment of obesity.
  2. Assess current guidelines in the management of obesity.
  3. Evaluate the cardiovascular benefits of obesity pharmacotherapy and bariatric interventions.
  4. Review the most commonly employed bariatric interventions and their impact on pharmacotherapy in patients with obesity.
  5. Distinguish the roles of the interprofessional healthcare team in obesity management.
  6. Examine possible new agents or therapeutic options in the management of obesity.

New Considerations in Diabetes Management: The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitors & The Risk of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis (eDKA)

  1. Analyze data showing the clinical benefits of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).
  2. Investigate barriers to CGM access in patients with diabetes.
  3. Design an evidence-based treatment regimen for a patient with diabetes based on their ambulatory glucose profile.
  4. Identify risk factors for developing eDKA.
  5. Distinguish between the characteristics of patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and euglycemic DKA (eDKA).
  6. Examine treatment standards for patients with eDKA.
  7. Differentiate between the management of eDKA and DKA in patients with diabetes.

Management of Infectious Disease in Immigrant and Refugee Populations

  1. Review the definitions for the following: immigrant, refugee, migrant.
  2. Analyze overseas and domestic guidance recommendations for United States (US) bound refugees.
  3. Recommend a complete treatment regimen with a monitoring plan for a refugee with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection using recent literature and guideline recommendations.
  4. Evaluate current guideline recommendations describing the use of medications for latent tuberculosis.
  5. Formulate an alternative treatment regimen for commonly encountered intestinal parasites.

Beyond Endocarditis: Management of Cardiac Infections

  1. Summarize clinical characteristics and supportive management of pericarditis and myocarditis.
  2. Compare therapeutic plans for cardiac device infections.
  3. Differentiate between acute and long-term management of vascular graft infections.
  4. Recommend optimal treatment strategies for complex and uncommon causes of bacterial endocarditis (including Q fever, Histoplasmosis, and Bartonella).
  5. Recognize updates in endocarditis management with special attention to diagnostics and patients who use IV drugs.
Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit
ACPEThe American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Approved_ProviderThe American College of Clinical Pharmacy is approved by BPS as a provider for the recertification of BCPS.





Contemporary Weight Management: The Pharmacist’s Role
Universal Activity Number: 0217-0000-24-157-H01-P
Contact Hours: 1.50
Activity Type: Application-Based Activity

New Considerations in Diabetes Management: The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitors & The Risk of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis (eDKA)
Universal Activity Number: 0217-0000-24-156-H01-P
Contact Hours: 1.50
Activity Type: Application-Based Activity

Management of Infectious Disease in Immigrant and Refugee Populations
Universal Activity Number: 0217-0000-24-155-H01-P
Contact Hours: 1.50
Activity Type: Application-Based Activity

Beyond Endocarditis: Management of Cardiac Infections
Universal Activity Number: 0217-0000-24-158-H01-P
Contact Hours: 1.50
Activity Type: Application-Based Activity

Methods and CE Requirements

Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit

Activities consist of audio/video/PDF files, attestation statements, and activity evaluations. Learners must purchase the product, review all content, complete the attestation statements and course evaluations to receive continuing pharmacy education credit for each activity. You must submit the attestation statements and course evaluations associated with each activity within the course by October 15, 2027.

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy - CPE Monitor Service

Provided through the collaborative efforts of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and ACPE-accredited providers, the CPE Monitor Service allows you to electronically keep track of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits from ACPE-accredited providers. ACPE-accredited providers, like ACCP, are responsible for transmitting this information to NABP to be stored in the CPE Monitor system. Statements of credit will be available at CPE Monitor,, within 2–3 business days after completion of this activity. For more information on CPE Monitor please visit

To transfer these credits to CPE Monitor on your behalf your NABP e-Profile ID Number and date of birth must be listed on your ACCP account. To verify or update this information in your ACCP account, visit Licensure/Certification. Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Some international pharmacists do not use the CPE Monitor service. To verify or update this information in your ACCP account, visit Licensure/Certification. Check the box “I am an international pharmacist or I am not licensed to practice in the United States, and do not have an NABP e-Profile ID.” Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Recertification Credit
BCPS Credit

To be eligible to earn BCPS recertification credit, learners must purchase the recertification version of this course, review all content, successfully complete, submit and pass the web-based posttest associated with each activity within the course by November 6, 2025.

The passing point to earn BCPS recertification credit is based on an expert analysis of the assessment items in each posttest activity. Any posttest submitted before the BCPS posttest deadline that meets this passing point will earn BCPS recertification credits. These credits will be assigned as of the date of test submission.

All participants must have a Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) board certification credential number, BPS ID Number, and a BPS expiration date on file with ACCP for reporting purposes. To verify or update this information in your ACCP account, visit Licensure/Certification. Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page.

For statements of recertification credit, visit Questions regarding the number of hours required for BCPS recertification should be directed to BPS at (202) 946-5026 or

The ACCP Recertification Dashboard is a free online tool that can track recertification credits as they are earned through ACCP and schedule new opportunities for credits from upcoming ACCP professional development programs.

Technical Requirements
Commercial Support

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy does not solicit or accept external commercial/financial support for its continuing pharmacy education activities. No commercial/financial support has been solicited or accepted for this activity.

BCPS Deadline: November 06, 2025
ACPE Deadline: October 15, 2027

CPE Credit

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy is approved by BPS as a provider for the recertification of BCPS.

BPS is an autonomous division of the American Pharmacists Association. To maintain its strict, independent standards for certification, BPS does NOT endorse or provide review information, preparatory courses, or study guides for board certification examinations. BPS, through its specialty councils, is responsible for specialty examination content, administration, scoring, and all other aspects of its certification programs. BPS is totally separate and distinct from ACCP. For information about BPS specialty recertification the BPS recertification process, go to:

To receive recertification credit, posttests must be submitted prior to the recertification posttest deadline (see above). Only completed tests are eligible for credit; no partial or incomplete tests will be processed. You may complete one or all available posttests for credit.

The passing point to earn recertification credit is based on an expert analysis of the assessment items in each posttest. Any posttest submitted before the recertification test deadline that meets this passing point will earn recertification credits. These credits will be assigned as of the date of test submission and reported within 48 hours to BPS. For statements of recertification credit, visit

In accordance with BPS guidelines concerning remediation for products launched in 2024 and after, posttests that do not reach the passing point for recertification credit will generate a second-chance test option. This test will automatically appear in the learner’s My Account page and will have assessment items presented in a different order. To qualify for recertification credit, the second-chance test must be submitted before the recertification deadline stated above.

The ACCP Recertification Dashboard is a free online tool that can track recertification credits as they are earned through ACCP and schedule new opportunities for credits from upcoming ACCP professional development programs. Questions regarding the number of hours required for recertification should be directed to BPS at

Commercial Support

The American College of Clinical Pharmacy does not solicit or accept external commercial/financial support for its continuing pharmacy education activities. No commercial/financial support has been solicited or accepted for this activity.